Back to the Basics – Kefir, Kombucha, and Shilajit

“Blast from the Past: Global Traditions and A Back to the Basics Approach in Health: Kefir, Kombucha, and Shilajit”

How many of you were avid fans of the classic flick, Back to the Future? Well, today’s blog takes a blast from the past scope to summarize how many of today’s measures in holistic health are embracing a “back to the basics” approach. While today’s medical advances definitely launch into the future with so many new innovations and technologies to improve human health and longevity, now more than ever, we’re also going back in time simultaneously by taking cues from global traditions that have used for centuries. Ready to “Walk Like an Egyptian” and historian with us today as we focus on the triplet threat trio of kefir, kombucha, and shilajit? We’ll look at the basic origins and definitions, typical uses, and potential benefits and also get a fun geography tour at the same time!

Passport Stamps: Basic Origins and Definitions of Kefir, Kombucha, and Shilajit

If you’re a travel warrior like I am, then you probably love to look at the stamps as they accumulate on your passport, right? Well, let’s briefly trace the origins of our triple threats: kefir, kombucha, and shilajit.

First, kefir is a traditional fermented milk dairy product with a major role in complementary therapy, especially as today’s consumers seek dairy alternatives. Butter (2017) reveals how its name is Turkish, which literally translates to “good feeling,” from an article in the Evening Standard. It’s popular in many Eastern European countries, too, since it supposedly started in Russia’s Caucasus Mountains. While it’s added to fermented milk and is often traditionally made with cow’s milk, it can also be produced from coconut milk (Butter, 2017, p. 28).  Ready to learn more about this tootie, fruity, liquidy, tart yogurt that can be sipped on its own or blended into smoothie or lassi recipes?

Next, what is kombucha? Although it may sound like a new form of martial arts, it’s actually a fermented tea with ancient roots in Asian culture. Judkis (2018) describes how “booch” is made by brewing tea and sugar, and leaving it to ferment with a for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast that also produces alcohol” ( Want to feel like royalty? Well, kombucha was nicknamed “tea of immortality” during the Ting Dynasty for its health, longevity and wellbeing ( claims. Ready to feel like a superb samurai?

Finally, remember Carole King’s iconic song, “I feel the Earth Move?” Well, shilajit doesn’t sing, but it’s a natural mover and a shaker for holistic health that’s found in Pakistan, Nepal, Russia, Tibet, Afghanistan, and even in the north part of Chile. Studies from Meena, Pandey, Arya, & Ahmed (2010) from the International Journal of Ayurveda Research maintain how it’s a pale-brown to blackish-brown herbomineral, composed of a gummy exudate that oozes from the rocks of the Himalayas in the summer months ( Feeling too tired to mow the lawn, take that test, chase those grandkids at the park, or prepare dinner tonight? Well, consider a supplemental shake with Shilajit.

Potential Benefits

Got plans to take the family or your new date to a crowded amusement park or public pool where there’ll be tons of germs and seeking a strong probiotic? Well, kick germs with kefir. Kefir is allegedly loaded with good bacteria. It also boosts many digestive dynamos to help your body absorb fats, proteins and carbs. Its gut busting power comes from microflora to bug off against harmful bacteria as it contains a ton of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and a host of amino acids and enzymes.

Why should you kick it with kombucha for holistic health? Well, studies from Prevention (2014) highlight its digestion perks to perhaps balance healthy gut bacteria and also maybe boost immunity. It’s further praised for many potential benefits for detoxification, antiaging, probiotic building, treating baldness, arthritis, cancer, and HIV (

As far as the third triplet threat, safeguard yourself with shilajit. Rizon’s (2016) “Plant and Mud Extracts Use for Health Purposes” article uncovers how shilajit can be a super sword to protect one’s holistic health and offer mind, body, and soul benefits with its flames of fulvic acids. As a result, fulvic acid apparently defends us with anti-allergic , antioxidant, antimicrobial, reduces cutaneous immune response, antitumoral, and antiseptic effects and properties ( If you’re suffering from eczema, sexual dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease, gastrointestinal, lymphatic, cancer, and/or infectious diseases, then you might want to shout for shilajit!

Going to do some mile high hiking in the Rockies, Alps, or Andes? Well, Shilajit is often heralded for possibly combating altitude sickness. It’s also cited as an anti-diabetic to possible lower blood glucose and also as a viable energizer. In fact, studies from Stoddard (2016) in Life Extension raves about its kudos from Coq 10. Without getting too scientific or school days on you, Coq is a benefit in shilajit, as it can perhaps restore and sustain adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the human body, which acts as the body’s primary source of energy ( Marathoners or gym beasts will love these studies! As a sleep-deprived, working parent of a toddler and a preschooler, this merit might be my new mama mobile! Just as Destiny’s Child sang, “Say my name,” then utter for a prospective blast from the past approach today!

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Butter, Sussanah. (2017, April 26). All kefired up: the bright new water with superpowers. Evening Standard, p. 28.

Judkis, Maura. (12AD, Spring 2018). Is boozy kombucha good for you? It’s getting so popular it might not matter. Washington Post, The. Retrieved from

Kombucha Tea, More Hype than Health. (2012). Environmental Nutrition, 35(5), 7. Retrieved from

Meena, H., Pandey, H. K., Arya, M. C., & Ahmed, Z. (2010). Shilajit: A panacea for high-altitude problems. International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 1(1), 37–40. Retrieved from

Rizon, R. (2016). Plant and mud extracts use for health purposes. Balneo Research Journal, 7(4), 125–129. Retrieved from

STODDARD, J. (2016). Shilajit Boosts Coq 10 Efficiency. Life Extension, 22(2), 24. Retrieved from

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