

From Deficiency to Wellness: Shilajit's Healing Powers

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Apr 25, 2024
  In our modern, fast-paced world, staying healthy is tough with all the stress and unhealthy habits around. But there's hope in ancient remedies like Shilajit. It's like a guiding light to better health, tackling our health issues in a complete way, and making us feel good overall. Holistic Wellness Through Shilajit Unlike conventional remedies that target specific symptoms or ailments, Shilajit takes a holistic approach to wellness. Its multifaceted benefits encompass physical, mental, and emotional well-being, addressing the root causes of health imbalances rather than merely masking symptoms. Whether you're struggling with fatigue, hormonal imbalances, or reproductive issues, Shilajit offers a comprehensive solution that promotes long-term health and vitality. Combatting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) One of the key benefits of Shilajit lies in its ability to combat chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). By supporting mitochondrial function—the powerhouse of our cells—Shilajit helps improve energy production, combat fatigue and promote vitality. This natural supplement acts as a natural energizer, helping individuals overcome the lethargy and exhaustion associated with CFS. Harnessing Antioxidant Properties Shilajit's antioxidant properties play a crucial role in promoting overall wellness. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. As a result, Shilajit supports the body's natural defenses, helping protect against a wide range of health issues, from heart disease to premature aging. Addressing Iron Deficiency Anemia Iron deficiency anemia can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and poor concentration. Shilajit, rich in bioavailable iron, helps replenish iron stores in the body, supporting healthy blood production and improving overall vitality. It serves as a natural solution for individuals struggling with iron deficiency, offering a gentle and effective way to restore balance to the body. Supporting Fertility and Reproductive Health Shilajit has shown promise in supporting fertility and reproductive health. In clinical studies, Shilajit supplementation has been associated with improved sperm count and motility in men, offering hope for couples struggling with infertility. By supporting hormonal balance and reproductive function, Shilajit helps create an optimal environment for conception and pregnancy. Incorporating Shilajit into Your Wellness Routine While Shilajit offers numerous health benefits, it is not a cure-all solution. Rather, it complements a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest. Incorporating Shilajit into your wellness routine can help fill nutritional gaps, support natural energy production, and promote overall vitality. In conclusion, Shilajit's holistic approach to health makes it a valuable addition to any wellness regimen. By addressing deficiencies and promoting overall well-being, Shilajit helps individuals unlock their full potential and thrive in today's fast-paced world. Unlock the power of Shilajit for holistic wellness. Visit our catalog to place your order at: 


Shilajit: Your Partner in Weight Management

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Apr 24, 2024
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy weight can be a challenge. With busy schedules and unhealthy eating habits, many individuals struggle to manage their weight effectively. Currently, over 2 billion people in the world are either obese or overweight. Obesity can cause a number of serious issues, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, and can even lead to cancer and heart failure as well. But if you are looking for an effective yet simple solution for weight loss and detoxification of the blood, Shilajit is what you need. It is a natural weight loss supplement that is very famous in the world of Ayurvedic medicine. Medical professionals and health-driven people have widely acknowledged its effectiveness toward leading a healthy lifestyle. It saves people from chronic as well as acute illnesses.Unlike synthetic supplements that often come with unwanted side effects, Shilajit offers a natural and holistic approach to achieving a healthier weight. Understanding Weight Management Challenges Excess weight not only affects physical appearance but also poses significant health risks, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and metabolic disorders. Factors such as sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary choices, and genetic predispositions contribute to weight gain, making it a complex issue to address. Detoxification and cleaning Shilajit's detoxifying properties play a pivotal role in weight management. Rich in fulvic acid, it aids in eliminating toxins and pollutants from the body, which can otherwise impede metabolic processes and contribute to weight gain. By cleansing vital organs and optimizing bodily functions, Shilajit creates a conducive environment for effective weight management. Appetite Regulation and Metabolism One of the key challenges in weight management is controlling appetite and regulating metabolism. Shilajit helps address these issues by reducing appetite, thereby promoting calorie restriction without compromising nutritional intake. Additionally, it enhances metabolic rate, facilitating the efficient breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy production. Boosting Stamina and Vitality Weight management efforts often necessitate increased physical activity and stamina. Shilajit serves as a natural energy booster, enhancing stamina and endurance levels. By combating fatigue and lethargy, it encourages individuals to engage in regular exercise and physical activities, which are essential for sustainable weight loss. Shilajit: A Useful Weight Loss Supplement It is certainly a very useful weight loss supplement. As you grow older, your metabolism starts slowing down, especially in women. It results in storing more fats that a body usually does. Your body deposits excessive fat all over the body, which is hard to get rid of.Shilajit, as a natural supplement, has weight loss properties. It decreases the appetite, which makes people eat less than they usually do. As a result, they started losing weight. Besides, Shilajit has proven effects on the metabolic rate of a human body. It improves the metabolism in your body, which helps with burning excessive fat in the body due to age factors and unhealthy junk food. However, it does not mean that you should lie on your bed after taking Shilajit and wait for the magic to happen. Instead, get back on your feet and do a little cardio exercise in addition to taking this supplement. By doing that, you will certainly experience a miracle, as it helps maintain a natural weight. Incorporating Shilajit into Your Routine Integrating Shilajit into your daily routine is simple and convenient. It can be easily incorporated into beverages or consumed directly. However, it's crucial to choose high-quality, pure Shilajit products sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure optimal efficacy and safety. Experience the Benefits of Shilajit While Shilajit offers promising support for weight management, it's essential to adopt a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications. By embracing Shilajit as your partner in weight management, you can embark on a journey towards better health and well-being.Discover the transformative power of Shilajit in your weight management journey. Visit the catalogue to place your order at:


The Bones and Joints Tissues Regeneration Process

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
A lot of women experience deteriorating bone health. In fact, there are a number of women in their late 20s that have shown signs of osteoarthritis and weak bones. It is caused due to poor diet, less exposure to the sun, and several other reasons. All of this can lead to serious health issues, such as chronic pain, loss of proper functioning, or it can also lead to serious physical damage to your body. In addition to that, you will have to spend a lot of money to pay your hospital bills. Not only is it exhausting to deal with such issues, but also expensive. Different pharmaceutical treatments have been used to resolve this increasing health issue, yet, they have not been considered safe nor were they able to provide satisfactory results. However, despite not proven to be effective, these drugs are widely prescribed by a physician. Whenever you go to a doctor with bone related issues, first advise you get is to get plenty of calcium, which can be consumed through various sources, including dairy, seafood, legumes, leafy greens, etc.  Although, calcium is definitely important, it is not the only element that contributes to strong bones. There is a combination of multiple elements that are necessary for strong and healthy bones, including D3, K2, and Selenium. Having nutrients rich diet is vital in this case, but in addition to that, you must also add a dose of supplements as it helps you in maintaining a good bone health throughout your life. Natural supplements are considered best for tissue regeneration. Some naturally extracted herbs  contain high quality minerals that can repaid the damaged tissues. Whether the damage is caused by illness, age factor or through injury, some herbs have proven to be very helpful in the healing process. The effectiveness of the herbal supplement was first recognized by Soviet scientists. Natural supplements nay contain minerals that are extremely beneficial for your bones, as they travel in your bloodstream and into your bone tissues, providing protection to your bone structure. Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid – Useful Minerals to Regenerate Tissues Humic acid and fulvic acid are two main elements that can serve as catalysts in tissue regeneration. They speed up the healing process, because the re-generation of healthy structural tissues, bone tissues, and organ tissues is three to four times faster than a regular regeneration. Both the minerals have the outstanding regenerative capacity, especially when combined with micro-minerals as these components are soluble in water, which enables them to pass through cell membranes and catalyze the healing process.


How to Test Shilajit for Purity and Authenticity

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is not a common herb that is found everywhere, it’s precious. So one should be fully aware of the methods that can be used the check its authenticity. There could be different testing methods used by herbal practitioners all over the world. However, the testing method that we are going to talk about will give you full confidence to ensure that you are using the real thing. Make sure that your supplier has clearly identified the color of rocks from which Shilajit has been extracted. The tests given below identify if the resin is 100% Shilajit or not: Pliability In this particular test, the resin melts in your hands getting sticky and gooey. Alternately, if you put it in a freezer to get cooled, it will get very solid. It will shatter like glass if you stuck with a big hammer. If you are going for the hammer option, make sure to encase your Shilajit in a safe plastic bag. This is to ensure that you do not lose bits of this precious natural herb. Pure Shilajit holds its form and never separates into clumps. Flame This is another useful technique to check the authenticity of this supreme herb. Pure Shilajit will never light on fire or burn similar to candle. If you heat Shilajit using a small blow torch, you will see it bubbling and producing an ash that emanates externally. However, it will never burn in any case. Solubility Pure Shilajit is highly soluble as it completely dissolves in warm water. It can also be dissolved in warm milk. In both cases, you will observe a reddish black or black golden liquid. This is the sign of its purity. This is one of the easiest ways of checking the genuineness of any kind of Shilajit. Form It is highly advisable that you should not trust the powdered form of Shilajit. Almost all powder forms of this natural herb contain 2 to 30 percent of Shilajit. All powders have fillers and additives in them. So never rely on the powder thing available in the market. Ozekerite This is a substance with similar looks to Shilajit. However, it has no medical benefits at all. It is very easy to found and not an expensive thing. This is the reason why so many counterfeit companies sell it as Shilajit. You should check Shilajit using the above tests. All the imitations and counterfeit products will not pass the above tests.


Shilajit Grading and Source of the Purest Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is a wonderful herb with miraculous benefits to human health. Although there are numerous health advantages of this particular natural resin, yet it is worth knowing its grading. Shilajit is not of equal quality across the globe. It comes into existence after years of geothermal pressure on biomasses of minerals and plant materials. You may not be aware that this is a pure natural phenomenon that includes nothing artificial. As a result of this natural process, a tar-like pitch is generated that sparkles in the rocks especially in the Himalayan region throughout the hot season. Different parts of the world have different patterns of rocks that identify the grading system. When the exudate is sanitized in order to take it out from the rock, the resultant resin is blackish helping you to differentiate the grade.  So it is clear that not every type of Shilajit is pure, you will notice the quality difference in so many areas. Grading Hierarchy Various grades of Shilajit have changing levels of beneficial value and are referred to the colors of rocks from which it appears: Gold and Red rock (Shilajit emerging from these rocks are of the highest grade) Yellow rocks (2nd Grade) Grey rocks (3rd Grade) Brown rocks (4th Grade) Substance created from animal faces (This is the most common sort of resin sold nowadays) The Highest Grade Shilajit The highest grade of Shilajit brings the most effective healing value and that’s why loved all over the world. This is the only pure version that possesses the legendary properties required by herbal practitioners when assisting their patients in getting good health. It is not clearly known that why the Shilajit extracted from Gold and Red rocks contain the most therapeutic value. However, benefits of this type of Shilajit have been proven over thousands of years. Some analysts have said that these rocks hold the high copper content. If you are aware of herbal treatments, then you should understand that copper is of great importance when it comes to treat people for attaining a good health. It is also worth knowing that the highest grade Shilajit is found only in Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan. This part of Pakistan is famous for producing the top quality Shilajit with proven health benefits. The most adorable and effective Shilajit is taken out from the highest peaks of Himalayas which are about 16000 to 18000 feet above the sea level. The treacherous and remote regions of Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan contain the Authentic Shilajit, famous for producing the 100% ultra-pure resin. The procedure of its purification is carried out through natural ways, simply using the natural spring water and the sunlight. Skardu is known for the highest quality Shilajit, offering you myriad benefits to improve your lifestyle.


Fulvic Acid – A Useful Mineral in Himalayan Healing Shilajeet

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Fulvic acid is one of the most important minerals for a human body. It is mainly present in the soil that is usedfor growing vegetables and fruits.However, modern agricultural activities and methods of farming have ravaged a lot of nutrients from the soil, which has kept fulvic acid from forming. Moreover, high power washing of vegetables and fruits has further stripped the rich mineral away that might be present in the agricultural produce from where they were cultivated. Benefits of Fulvic Acid There are so many minerals that are necessary for a healthy lifestyle. The ready-made food and supplements available in the market cannot offer the same quality and quantity of these minerals that is required for a good health and strong body. Some of the examples are bone diseases, including osteopenia and osteoporosis, that are very common in the United States. Even the men and women who regularly use supplements for strong bones are suffering from these diseases. But it is not just about the bone health.Minerals are also necessary for a bio-chemical function of every organ in the human body. They help in doing the following: Transfer information in the nervous system to move a muscle fiber Counterbalance a toxic-free radical Regulating hormones for better thyroid function Supplying oxygen to the red blood cells in your body Moreover, it has been proven by multiple studies that deficiency of minerals in your body is a root cause of some of the serious health issues. Some of the serious problems caused by deficiencies of minerals include Fatigue disorder Deficiencies in the immune system Neuropathies Cancers Thyroid disease Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid – Two Powerful Minerals in the Himalayan Shilajit These are two of the most beneficial minerals that are commonly found in Himalayan Shilajit. The food you eat on a daily basis has a lot of nutrients in it. These mineral complexes enhance the body function and allow the nutrients to absorb well in the body. The traces of around 85 minerals are found in the Himalayan Shilajit, including phytonutrients, enzymes, and amino acids. It is basically a good supplement to boost your overall energy and get a healthy body. Instead of using synthetic supplements, you can use Himalayan Shilajit as it regulates your body function and improves your immune system. Not only is it beneficial for humans, Himalayan Shilajit has proven to be useful for animals and plants as well. It boosts biochemical reactions in animals and plants, and effectively improve the response of cells. Antioxidants and Electrolytes – Two Key Elements in the Fulvic Acid As discussed, fulvic acid is beneficial for absorbing nutrients. It helps circulate nutrients throughout the body and even across the walls of the cells, and also enhanceits ability to absorb them. Other Benefits of Fulvic Acid It charges the blood cells in your body and increase their life span, revitalize your immune system, improves the circulation of blood in the body, and regulates the metabolism. A combination of these benefits increases the endurance level to sustain injuries and diseases. In addition to that, fulvic acid also controls inflammation, effectively produce hormones and enhance the function of your brain. Moreover, it is known as a natural stimulator to rekindle libido. Furthermore, it serves as a detoxing agent and purifies your blood by cleansing off any toxic materials in the body. Fulvic acid also controls inflammation and provide relief from pain by speeding up the healing process. It also regulates the flow of oxygen in your blood along with reviving the metabolism. It also helps in getting rid of any waste and toxic materials in your body. Another benefit of fulvic acid is to restore the balanced electrochemical reaction in a human body in addition to increasing the time frame of nutrients to stay active in your body. It further maintains the optimum level of alkalinity to help neutralize acid in your body. There are a number of experts who have suggested the use of Himalayan Shilajit so as to lead a healthy lifestyle. A vast majority of people around the world do not even realize that they are suffering from the mineral deficiency that leads to some of the serious diseases they catch later in their life. Himalayan Shilajit is beneficial in avoiding such diseases and boosting the overall health.


Introduction to Himalayan Healing Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
We are living in a world of constant stress due to the rapidly changing environment, which eventually results in deteriorating health. For example, cardiovascular or neurological diseases have become quite common these days.  (Himalayan Healing Shilajit) understands that and has brought the solution in the form of original and purest Shilajit for a healthy life and well being What is Himalayan Shilajit? Himalayan Shilajit is a small company that provides 100 percent pure and natural Shilajit to its customer. However, our product cannot be found in any shop nor do we have any store in any country, because the company delivers freshly prepared Shilajit to its customers via orders placed on ourwebsite. We extract gold graded product from one of the highestmountain range of the Himalayas located in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. It is one of the most suitable locations for the best quality of Shilajit resin. Product Quality The product is contained in its purest form with all 85 minerals in ionic form. Delivering a high quality product to the customers is a top priority of Himalayan Shilajit. This is why it is directly shipped to customers right from where it is extracted. It is neither processed nor altered in any way, but carefully purified and tested for hazardous substances. 95 percent of Shilajit available in the market are cooked and if it is heated over 50 degrees Celsius, its active molecule is burnt. The pure one is always found in a soft paste form and has a strong odor and taste. Himalayan Shilajit product is never cooked or heated,instead, it is dried under the sun to keep it 100 percent natural and in its original form. The Lab Test Report of the Himalayan Shilajit Product Shilajit offered by the Himalayan Shilajit is tested in  laboratory. According to the lab test reports, it is safe to use the product as the minerals are found within safe limits. However, it is most effective if taken empty stomach at least 30 minutes before breakfast. You can either keep it under the tongue or use it with lukewarm milk or water.You will start feeling the effect of the product within a period of just one week. However, to get instant results, it is advised to be taken with hot organic milk. Shipping Himalayan Shilajit offers free home delivery to its customers in any part of the world. The product is shipped to different regions, including the UK, Australia, and all around the world. It is also delivered in the middle east through their website. The company gets its last batch of supply in October before the mountains are covered by snow, and it takes about a month to dry it under the sun. It takes three to four weeks for the product to be delivered in the U.S. The company usesthe postal service for shipping, and you can also track the progress of your shipment after it is dispatched. Payment Methods and Return Policy Himalayan Shilajit accepts a number of payment methods, such as credit cards or bank wires. It also accepts payment via PayPal or Skrill. Moreover, if you do not like the product, it can be returned to the company. However, it is a responsibility of a customer to bear the shipping charges in case of return. Himalayan Shilajit is a registered supplier and it collects the product directly from the Himalayan Mountains. The company provides a gold graded product at competitive prices and also book custom orders. Therefore, in order to buy Shilajit in its purest form, simply place order at our  website.


Shilajit Test For Authenticity and Purity?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit test is required because only 1 percent of the products in the United States with the label Shilajit are actually real. Most of them are either fake or fall into any one of the following categories: Real with impurities and harmful fillers Low quality, or May contain different elements that looks like Shilajit! Does not have any Shilajit How to Identify Fake Shilajit?           To find the pure Himalayan Shilajit, you should be able to identify the fake ones. The fake Shilajit is mostly offered in capsule or liquid form. But in the past few years, the imitation of Shilajit in resin form is also available in the market. The fake form of this product is creatively made by using various solutions that include fertilizers to make fulvic acid, charcoal, and coal. There are so many brands that do not have a good reputation as they mix some herbs together or add inactive ingredients to this compound. Why Does the Counterfeit Shilajit Exist? It is not easy to find the real Himalayan Shilajit. There are so many imitations available in the market that it has become overly difficult to spot the real product. But why do they create a counterfeit? The reasons are simple: It is not easily available; in fact, Himalayan Shilajit is one of the rarest substances that is found on earth These are expensive and difficult to get Despite being the rarest substance, it is a key ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine Last but not the least, it has a huge demand in Asia, especially among the male population to enhance their virility. Had it been an easily available substance or fairly inexpensive, there would not have been so many fake Shilajit, because even the cost of creating an imitation is quite high. However, this is not the case. It, in fact, is a rare adaptogenic compound that is not only costly, but also difficult to find anywhere in the world. How Rare is Himalayan Shilajit? According to various independent sources, Shilajit comes at the top of the list among so many minerals and compounds. It is more expensive than 100 years old balsamic vinegar, saffron; the most expensive wine or even Chateau Petrus. There are so many firms in the United States that claim to have the highest grade Shilajit, but none of those claims are correct. The pure substance can only be found in the rocks of the Himalayas from where it is extracted. This piece of information is quite crucial, because every purified resin is black in shade. However, the rocks from which Himalayan Shilajit is extracted has a very distinct color that is helpful in grading it. How is it Graded? Himalayan Shilajit is an outcome of years of geothermal pressure on minerals, and biomass of plant materials. A tar-like substance is created as a result, which shines in the Himalayan rocks during the hot sunny weather. The color of these rocks varies from one location to another, which also determines its grade. When it is initially purified and removed, it is blackish in shade; at this point, it is hard to grade the substance. In short, the grading is basically done on the basis of rocks it is extracted from. For example, The lowest grade Shilajit is basically created out of animal feces – a widely sold form of resin in the market. The copper grade Shilajit is extracted from brown rock, which is majorly used for liver imbalances Silver grade Shilajit comes from gray rock and is widely used for nervous system or bone marrow imbalances The iron grade Shilajit is extracted from black rock that is normally found in Bhutan or Nepal. It is primarily used in the adipose tissue system or fat imbalances, and Gold graded Shilajit comes from gold or red rock and is typically used for rejuvenation therapy. The most expensive of them all is Himalayan Shilajit that is extracted from the highest peaks of the Himalayas that are 16 to 18 thousand feet above the sea level. The indigenous population of the Himalayas has been collecting and purifying the Shilajit under spring water and sun for centuries. They keep the substance in its purest form to retain its rejuvenation properties


Benefits of Shilajit for Men

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is a very useful substance and consists of effective components, including fulvic acid and humic acid. It contains a number of minerals that are important to regulate the body functions. In fact, many of them have proved to be quite beneficial for men. Regardless of your location and its atmosphere, shilajit has produced very effective results. However, make sure you buy the real supplement instead of a fake product. Shilajit does not stay in solid form at room temperature; it tastes bitter and has brownish black color. The texture of this substance is such that it melts in your hand. Following are some of the benefits of using shilajit for men: Helps with Infertility In a study, 60 people (men) who were suffering from infertility took shilajit for a period of 3 months. At the end of the trial, their sperm count was 60 percent more than it was 3 months ago. Shilajit also improved their sperm activity by 12 percent. However, Ayurvedic doctors were aware of this fact for hundreds of years. In other words, it is a safe and natural alternative to a lot of medicines to help men with infertility issue. Naturally Enhances Testosterone Level  In addition to improving the sperm count and its activity, shilajit significantly promotes the testosterone level that is good for muscle tissues. Testosterone is a sexual health hormone that helps in repairing and strengthening muscles. It also enhances the athletic ability in men. With growing age, the testosterone level starts decreasing in males. Therefore, shilajit is a very useful supplement for older men. Improves Physical Performance This is one of the best things you can attain with shilajit. It enhances your physical performance. Men who use this supplement tend to have more strength because of the density of healthy nutrients. According to researchers, it gives a boost to your cells and increases the production of energy at its core called mitochondria. If your cells get proper nourishment, you do not feel tired but more rejuvenated. Hence, this herb helps in faster recovery and keeps you active for a longer period of time. Helps with Weight Loss Due to heavy workload and fully packed lifestyle, most people suffer from obesity. Many people look for various ways to reduce their weight. Shilajit is a good news for them as it also boosts metabolism and burns calories, which eventually helps in the weight loss. Protects the Heart Recently, researchers carried out a study to see how well this supplement protects the heart. They used animals for that purpose. Those who consumed shilajit had less cardiovascular damage as compared to those that did not take it. Researchers further concluded that the reason behind it is more than an antioxidant activity. Offers Better Brain Health High testosterone level also enhances your thinking ability. If your testosterone levels are high, it enhances your thinking ability. Researchers have found a molecule in shilajit called dibenzo-alpha-pyrones, which is a very useful component that keeps the brain chemicals from breaking down. These chemicals are responsible for maintaining focus, retaining memory, and proper functioning of the brain. Moreover, the fulvic acid in the substance helps with a healthy brain function and according to a study, it has been very useful in providing protection against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Boost Healthy Aging As discussed, shilajit gives a boost to your body cells. Its antioxidant activity provides protection against cellular damage and slows down the aging process of your heart, skin, lungs, and liver. Fulvic acid helps in transferring the minerals and antioxidants to cells where they are needed. As a result, it safeguards the body from serious damage and boosts healthy aging. We offer best shilajit in its natural and purest form. Test it yourself.


Benefits of Shilajit for Women

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is a very powerful substance in Ayurvedic medicine. For centuries, men and women have been using it for various health-related issues. It is a natural source of giving you a power boost and help people with stamina. When it comes to women’s health, shilajit is a very effective supplement. It is a great source of energy that positively affects the body mechanism. Shilajit has a number of health benefits for women that enhances the vitality of their body. It has turned out to be an excellent herb for working women as it increases the capability to endure the stress that comes with difficult tasks. Let’s take a look at the various benefits of Shilajit for women. Helps in Enhancing Reproductive Health Shilajit is a very useful substance for women, especially when it comes to their reproductive and sexual health. It regulates the blood flow in female genitalia. Researchers have found the traces of minerals in shilajit that can restore the necessary nutrition in women’s diet beneficial for reproductive system of the body. Cures Irregular Menstrual Cycle It is used to regulate the normal menstrual cycle and reduces the discomfort a woman experiences during periods. In addition to that, not only does shilajit cure irregular menstrual cycle, but also provides relief from premenstrual syndromes. Serves as a Mood Enhancer Women experience frequent mood swings due to hormonal imbalance. It makes them struggle with a stable mood and also affects their wellbeing. By taking this supplement, they can get rid of the anxious and uneasy feeling. It helps with a stable emotional state and you can get a good night’s sleep and restore the natural sleep pattern by taking this supplement. Helps with Calcium Deficiency Women often suffer from calcium deficiency and find it difficult to cover up for the deficiency through natural means. Shilajit serves as a natural supplement that decreases the symptoms of calcium deficiency. Moreover, it also strengthens the bones and enhances the muscular health. Healthy Hair and Nails This supplement contains very powerful minerals and vitamins for women, especially when it comes to the health of their hair and nails. For example, the presence of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Iron makes it a very useful rejuvenating agent. Using shilajit on a regular basis improves your overall health, gives a glow to your skin, and healthy hair and nails. Gives the Energy Boost to Working Women A modern day woman has different social preferences and requirements. They certainly need an energy booster to successfully go through their day. If they use shilajit, it will support Adenosine triphosphate production, which increases the cellular energy in women. They will have the stamina to handle their day to day tasks without feeling lethargic and balance their personal and professional life. Reduces the Effect of Arthritis Shilajit is a very effective supplement for people who do not have strong bones. It improves the bone density and makes it strong. If you use it on a regular basis, it will reduce the risk of arthritis as you grow older. Provides Anti-Oxidant Protection Shilajit, as a supplement, is loaded with fulvic acid. This particular component has very high antioxidant properties. According to recent studies, it has been very helpful in revitalizing different organs and gives a boost to brain health. The antioxidant compounds found in shilajit is the main source that has contributed toward a healthy brain activity. Women who want to enhance their cognitive health should use this supplement. A number of studies have shown that shilajit successfully controls anxiety, mood swings and enhances memory and cognitive function of the brain by stimulating brain activity. Try only sun dried natural shilajit to see the real health benefits.


Shilajit – An Effective Solution for Weight Loss

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
An average person does not take a healthy diet anymore. Hectic lifestyle and busy routine add more to the stress of a person, which leads to overeating. Currently, over 2 billion people in the world are either obese or overweight. Obesity can cause a number of serious issues, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and can even lead to cancer and heart failure as well. But if you are looking for an effective yet simple solution for weight loss and detoxification of the blood, shilajit is what you need. It is a natural weight loss supplement that is very famous in the world of Ayurvedic medicine. Medical professionals and health-driven people have widely acknowledged its effectiveness toward leading a healthy lifestyle. It saves people from chronic as well as acute illnesses. Shilajit – A Detoxifying Agent Obesity or overweight is one of the most deteriorating health factors that causes a lot of other diseases and health problems. It is a result of an unhealthy and busy lifestyle that modern-day people are stuck in. Losing a weight requires real effort. It is a mind game, wherein you have to train your brain to actually lose body weight. Due to a shortage of time, people tend to eat a lot of junk food. As a result, their cholesterol level increase. Shilajit can play a vital part in tackling this issue. It has detoxifying properties. Fulvic acid is an active compound found in this supplement. It breaks down the toxic particles in your blood. These pollutants contain a number of pesticides that you eat without any knowledge. Moreover, this compound quickly eliminates all the harmful chemicals from the bloodstream that you ingest whenever you eat. It keeps those toxic elements from building up in your body. In addition to that, shilajit also cleanse the organs of any waste or toxins that develop in your body over time. It regulates all the systems in your body and keeps you from catching diseases. Shilajit – A Useful Weight Loss Supplement It is certainly a very useful weight loss supplement. As you grow older, your metabolism starts slowing down, especially in women. It results in storing more fats that a body usually does. Your body deposits excessive fat all over the body, which is hard to get rid of. Shilajit, as a natural supplement, has weight loss properties. It decreases the appetite, which makes people eat less than they usually do. As a result, they start losing weight. Besides, Shilajit has proven effects on the metabolic rate of a human body.  It improves the metabolism in your body that helps with burning excessive fat in the body you put on due to age factor and unhealthy junk food. However, it does not mean that you should lie on your bed after taking shilajit and wait for the magic to happen. Instead, get back on your feet and do a little cardio exercise in addition to taking this supplement. By doing that, you will certainly experience a miracle as it helps in maintaining a natural weight. Shilajit Increases the Stamina This natural substance also improves the stamina and gives an energy boost to your body. It also works as an anti-aging supplement that slows down the aging process and makes you look younger. Many people find it hard to cope with their day to day routine and are unable to find time for exercise. Shilajit serves as a perfect solution for those people as it purifies the blood from waste matter and enhances metabolism that leads to shedding unnecessary weight. Therefore, making this natural supplement a part of your diet will help you lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Himalayan healing shilajt can be used for this purpose as it is the natural and purest in form.


Shilajit Usage as a Hair Treatment

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
The changing atmosphere and eating habits have had a massive effect on the human body. With time, people have started to work more and do not rest as much as they used to. On top of that, changing weather conditions have also affected their health. Eating unhealthy diet has become a norm, because many people cannot find the time to cook their own meal. As a result, many people experience dull skin and frizzy hair, because they do not get proper nourishment. Shilajit usage as a natural hair treatment is the core purpose of this article. When it comes to your hair, it is very important to maintain a healthy diet. The necessary nutrients from your food supply minerals to the roots of your hair and give them life. However, if you feel like your hair is not getting a proper nourishment it needs, add shilajit as a natural supplement to your diet. Nor will it give volume to your hair, but also make them strong and healthy. Shilajit – A Natural Supplement Rich with Zinc and Iron Unfavorable weather, poorly managed lifestyle, and junk food adversely affect your overall health. Many people experience frequent hair fall throughout the year, because they cannot take care of it. Zinc and Iron are two vital elements for a good health of your hair and shilajit is rich in these minerals. Iron plays a very important role in the human body. It helps in the production of red blood cells, which supply oxygen to your body. Zinc, on the other hand, is necessary for proper growth and maintenance of the human body. It also regulates the immune system and helps in healing of wound and blood clotting. Zinc also plays a major role in thyroid function and also improve the functioning of white and red blood cells. Frequent hair fall can be a result of anemia or iron deficiency. But even if you do not have anemia, there may be a low level of iron that is harmful to your body and makes your hair thinner. Shilajit has these elements in abundance. Therefore, adding it to your diet will help you recover from iron and zinc deficiency and as a result, your health will recover quickly. Although, zinc is present in sufficient quantity in a regular diet, yet, some people find it hard to absorb. In such cases, adding shilajit to your diet will help you recover from zinc deficiency quickly. It is best to take the supplement with lukewarm milk in order to enhance its effectiveness. Magnesium – Another Useful Mineral in Shilajit Magnesium is another element in shilajit that plays an important role in the human body. It is helpful in maintaining nerve function and strong muscles; keeps your bones strong, and support a steady heartbeat. It also regulates blood sugar level and metabolism of the human body. Therefore, when you take shilajit, it gives the necessary nutrients to the scalp, which eventually leads to the growth of healthy and strong hair. Although, you might not even notice that you take an improper intake of magnesium until something happens. It can lead to chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Apart from magnesium, zinc, iron, and manganese, the active minerals in shilajit include, Terpenoids Polyphenol complexes Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin P Humic acids Humins Dibenzo Alpha Pyrones, and Fulvic acid. By adding shilajit as a natural supplement to your diet, you will give yourself another chance to have healthy hair. In addition to nourishing your hair properly, you must also take care of it externally. Wash it regularly and massage your scalp with oil. Get a haircut on a regular basis. If you do that successfully, your hair will definitely be healthy and strong again. Always use shilajit product that is authenticated and certified by international labs to get the better results.


Use Shilajit for Fresh and Healthy Skin

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
The busy schedule, late night working hours, personal and financial stress, and not being able to eat healthy food are some of the many issues we face in our day to day lives. The reason is simple; our lives have become really fast-paced. Time is of the essence to everyone. No one has time to take care of their health. This is why the majority of the young adults seems to have pale or dull skin. Shilajit – A Perfect Supplement for Rejuvenating Skin To get rid of that dull skin that makes you look old and sick, add shilajit to the regular diet. It serves as an anti-aging agent and helps protect the skin from further damage. It also restores the health of your skin even if the damage is very old. By using shilajit, you can prevent the skin cells from dying and decaying and protect them from any damage in the future. It controls the aging process and makes it slower. As a result of its regular use, you also get a glowing and soft skin. In addition to serving as an organic supplement to cleanse your blood and inner organs, you can use it as a skincare product. It is safe to apply it directly on the skin. Using it on the skin can be very beneficial, because it Enhances the process of skin regeneration Keeps the skin from getting wrinkles Prevents skin damage from free radicals Absorbs the toxins in your skin, and Cleanses your pores. All in all, you get a rejuvenating effect if you apply it on a skin. Rich in Antioxidants to Keep Your Skin from Aging Shilajit is a very effective agent when it comes to the natural aging process. By slowing down the pre-oxidation of skin cells, it delays the process of aging. Even if you age gracefully, it still makes you look dull due to age spots, small marks, laughter line, crow’s feet, and dark circles. All of it happens as a result of damaged tissues. Shilajit repair the tissues, softens the skin and gives it a unique and radiant glow. This natural supplement has an amazing therapeutic power. You can use it to cure different diseases or ailments. However, its anti-aging property makes it one of the best natural supplements for adults. Shilajit Revitalizes the Weak Points The epidermis starts losing collagen when the body starts to age. Collagen is the key structural protein that is found in the digestive system, blood vessels, skin, and bones. In other words, it is a primary structural constituent that is found in different connective tissues. As a result of losing collagen, you get a saggy skin with fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to that, the skin also loses elasticity and acne spots become prominent. Shilajit can help restore the beauty and elasticity of your skin by strengthening the weak muscles. Using Shilajit as a Face Mask As discussed, you can also apply it on a skin. Many people use it as a face mask as well. However, to make it more effective, mix it in a moisturizing cream of your choice and apply it gently on the face. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes and then gently wash it with lukewarm water. By repeating the process two or three times a week, you will gradually feel the difference as it makes you feel and look a lot younger. When you apply it on the skin, it affects the upper epidermis and also regulates the blood circulation in the damaged dermis. As a result, you get a glowing and fresh skin. We sell pure shilajit for fresh and healthy skin. Purchase shilajit only from attested and authentic buyers


How Shilajit Can Boost Your Physical and Mental Health

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
The hectic routine sometimes affects the physical and mental health of the people. This is why many working class people often feel tired and fatigued. In addition to that, poor eating habits have aggravated that situation. The busy schedule and unhealthy eating preferences have adversely affected the people. It does not leave a good impact on health and can cause various mental and physical health problems. To overcome different health problems, people take medicines. These medicines may solve the problem on a temporary basis, but they have side effects which can damage your organ functions in the long run. Shilajit Enhance Physical Health and Boost Your Cognitive Growth Instead of taking these modern day medicines that have multiple side-effects, it is better to use a natural supplement called shilajit. For centuries, shilajit has been used in the Ayurvedic medicine as a rejuvenating agent to boost the physical and mental health of people. You can use it to treat a number of severe conditions, such as amnesia. It also gives a boost to your stamina and enhances the physical performance. In addition to that, shilajit is a natural substance that promotes your memory and learning function, playing a vital role in the cognitive growth. According to the ancient medical text, shilajit can cure almost every disease. It states that you can treat every curable disease with this supplement. Presence of Useful Minerals in Shilajit Shilajit contains 85 useful minerals in a natural ionic form that are important to maintain and balance the metabolism of your body. These minerals are not the same as the ones available in the market. They are present in shilajit in ionic form. They also absorbed rich plant life, which makes it easier for the body cells to absorb it. Fulvic Acid – A Powerful Compound in Shilajit Fulvic acid is a very effective mineral in shilajit. It goes straight into the cell walls and transfers the minerals at the core of the cells. One of the best things about using this supplement is that it reverses and slows down the aging process. It supplies the vitamins and minerals deep into the body cells in order to maintain the energy metabolism. Humic Acid It also contains humic acid that is good for the immune system. Overall, it regulates the digestive health, mental health, eye health, and heart health by working together with other enzymes and vitamins. It also helps in regulating the chemical reactions that occur in a human body along with other body functions. Fatty and Amino Acid The fatty acid is one of the most useful ingredients found in shilajit. It regulates the heartbeat, decreases inflammation, keeps the fatty plaques low inside artery walls, reduces the clotting of blood and blood fat, and increase the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) that is a good cholesterol. HDL removes harmful cholesterol from the bloodstream, keeping the blood cells healthy.  However, Shilajit can boost your physical and mental health. This article will focus on how it can be beneficial to your health. Even the modern-day science has acknowledged the benefits of shilajit. Different studies have confirmed that ancient demonstration and application of this substance in living beings led to positive outcomes. All in all, shilajit has become widely recognized around the globe due to its effective and useful properties.


Why are Antioxidants Important for Health?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
In order to stay healthy, the human body needs to consume the minerals and other necessary compounds from the food on a daily basis. One of these compounds is antioxidants. This compound is vital for a long-term survival and health of a person. What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants are known to help enhance the memory; they also fight different kinds of diseases and slows down the aging process. These are very useful to fight oxidation, which can be escalated by smoking cigarettes or taking the stress. When the natural process of oxidation gets disrupted, harmful molecules called free radicals are formed in the body. Oxygen further accelerates the production of these destructive radicals and if it is not controlled in time, it can cause damage to the body cells. How are Antioxidants Helpful to Release Oxidative? When the formation of free radicals increases beyond the defense mechanism of your body, it leads to oxidative stress. Damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress can cause heart disease or early-stage cancer. Free radicals can also cause Alzheimer’s disease, age-related blindness, kidney disease, diabetes, cataracts, and arthritis. Antioxidants are very important to fight the free radicals and oxidative stress. A human body produces these molecules to provide protection against these destructive chemicals and keep body cells from any damage. They interact with free radicals and break the chain reaction before it causes any serious harm. Vitamins and minerals, such as manganese, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin E are the antioxidants that protect the body from toxins and harmful free radicals. In fact, there are some plant compounds that have antioxidant properties, such as shilajit. Shilajit with Antioxidant Molecules Shilajit is a dark brown resin that is found in the mountainous ranges of Chile, Afghanistan, Tibet, Nepal, Russia, India, Pakistan and the former USSR. It exudes from beneath the rocks due to high temperature during summers. It is produced as a result of decomposition of plant organisms and contains 85 minerals and compounds. Shilajit mainly consists of humic substances, including fulvic acid, humins, and humic acid. About 60 to 80 percent of the components in shilajit is fulvic acid. Humic substances are formed as a result of decomposition of organic matter under heavy pressure and extreme weather conditions of the mountains. It mainly consists of selenium, dibenzo-alpha-pyrones, and humic substances. Antioxidants in Shilajit and their Benefits Selenium is a very powerful mineral that slows down the aging process. Fulvic acid is known for its antioxidant properties, which helps in treating a lot of diseases. For example, it doesn’t let tau protein to deposit in your brain. Although, tau protein is a necessary part of the nervous system, its accumulation can cause damage to the brain cells. Fulvic acid helps regulate the nervous system by preventing the accumulation of tau protein. This compound is also very effective in preventing or slowing down the Alzheimer’s diseases from progressing. Fulvic acid is also helpful in the following: Detoxification Improving the immune system, gut health Boosting digestion and helps in the absorption of nutrients Protecting and improving cognitive health Decreasing the damage caused by inflammation and free radicals Boosting energy and decreasing pain, and Healing damaged tissues and protecting skin Traditionally, shilajit was used as an internal antiseptic, hemorrhoids, edema, kidney stones, anemia, chronic bronchitis, nervous disorders, epilepsy, enlarged spleen, digestive disorder, jaundice, and genitourinary disorders. The effectiveness and usefulness of shilajit have been confirmed by modern science as well. All in all, it is a great natural substance that is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules that are beneficial for a human body.


Useful and Natural Mountain Food

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Nature is full of very powerful ingredients that can not only help us fight a number of diseases, but also allow us to live a long and prosperous life by staying healthy and strong. Shilajit, a naturally made mountain food, is one of them. It is extracted from the layers of rocks of Himalayan ranges in the subcontinent, Hindukush range in Afghanistan, Northern Pollock ranges in Australia, and Ural, Caucasus, Pamir, Tien-Shan range in the former USSR. Shilajit – An Effective Mountain Food, Rich in Minerals Shilajit is very effective to treat muscle strains, brain and heart issues, infertility, inflammation in joints, and stomach disorders. It is also useful in treating stomach ulcer, urinary tract infections, diabetes, wounds, and gives your skin a beautiful glow by slowing down the aging process. This resin is exuded out from layers of rocks in various mountainous ranges during the month of summer. Mountain dwellers either collect it from rock surfaces or it is embedded in rock sediments. The composition of shilajit varies from one region to another based on factors, such as Temperature Indigenous plants Humidity level Minerals present in the rocks Molds, and Bacteria It consists of 85 powerful minerals and organic acids, including fulvic acid, vitamins, essential fatty acid, hippuric acid, amino acid, proteins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and more. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium constitute over 90 percent of the mineral portion in shilajit, whereas, other common minerals include sodium and sulfur. Benefits of the High Mountain Shilajit As discussed, shilajit is rich in plant-source organic ingredients, because it is naturally produced in a clean environment under the high altitude rocks. This makes it a very powerful supplement for both men and women. One of nature’s most effective compounds in shilajit is fulvic acid, which is vital for healthy living and a strong immune system. It regulates the metabolism and helps in detoxification. Some of the most prominent benefits of shilajit are as follows: Regulates Reproductive System – When it comes to reproductive health in females, shilajit has proven to be a very useful supplement. It improves the flow of blood in female reproductive organs and makes it healthy. The minerals contained in shilajit provided the vital nutrients that are beneficial for female reproductive system. Provide Nourishment to Hair and Skin – Shilajit is rich in vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, iron and zinc that give strength to your hair, skin, and nails. The presence of these components rejuvenates your skin and give it a certain glow. If you use it regularly, it makes your nails and hair healthy and strong by providing proper nourishment. Slows Down the Aging Process – This potent exudate helps in healing wounds and muscles. Fulvic acid found in shilajit helps in healing the skin tissues and provide energy to the body cells. It also promotes the production of red blood cells. In addition to keeping the body strong and healthy for a longer period of time, it serves as an anti-aging supplement and keeps the skin from getting wrinkles. Provide Protection Against Toxins – Fulvic acid also has anti-oxidant properties that rejuvenate your organs and provide energy to your brain. The anti-oxidant compound in this supplement regulates the brain function and enhance the cognitive ability. Minerals are very important for human health. The soil, in which modern food is grown, does not contain the necessary minerals that are important for optimal health. But a regular dose of shilajit can make up for it as it consists of rock minerals, rock humus, and organic substances that are compressed by layers of rocks and also include microbial metabolites and marine organisms. According to an old saying, shilajit is useful to make your body as strong as a rock.


Shilajit Health Benefits for Health Deficiencies

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
For last few decades, Shilajit has gained popularity due to its powerful nature and effective properties. It has been used by people for centuries as it is made of compounds that make you feel rejuvenated. Following are the health benefits of Shilajit related to chronic fatigue, aging process, iron deficiencies, and fertility issues. Health Benefits Over the centuries, Shilajit has proven to improve stamina and health. It has been very helpful in regulating the immune system, treating digestive disorders, enhancing memory, and improving mitochondrial function. Following are some of the proven benefits of Shilajit that lead to a healthy lifestyle: Treats Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) – This natural supplement is very beneficial to treat CFS, which is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrion allows the cells to absorb nutrients from food and break them down to form energy. One of the key components of Shilajit is dibenzo-alpha-pyrones that helps regulate the function of mitochondria. Slows Down the Aging Process – Another very effective component in Shilajit is fulvic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is a very powerful antioxidant. Helpful to Treat Iron Deficiency – This supplement is very useful in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia that is caused by the inability to absorb iron, blood loss, and a low iron diet. It results in irregular heartbeat, headache, cold feet and hands, body weakness, and fatigue. Shilajit, however, has proven to be very beneficial to improve iron level in your blood and is very useful for anemic patients. Support Fertility – To test the effectiveness of Shilajit in treating male infertility, 60 men with infertility issues were given this powerful substance for a period of 90 days. At the end of the trial, it was found out that 12 percent men experienced an increase in sperm activity, whereas, 60 percent of them had a higher sperm count. Beneficial for Brain and Heart Health – Fulvic acid is a very useful compound in shilajit. It keeps the tau protein from depositing. Tau protein is beneficial for the nervous system, but its accumulation can lead to brain cell damage. Shilajit also enhances the cardiac performance by minimizing the cardiac lesions and make it strong and healthy. Improves Testosterone Level – Testosterone is a very important hormone in men that is helpful in strengthening the bones, producing red blood cells, storing fat, and enhancing physical and sexual health. With age, their testosterone level decrease. In a clinical research, middle-aged men were given Shilajit for a period of three months. At the end of the trial period, their testosterone level significantly increased. Side Effects Shilajit is a natural herb and it is very safe to use with no significant side effects. However, if you are suffering from thalassemia, hemochromatosis, and sickle cell anemia, then it is not preferred to take Shilajit as it may cause an allergic reaction. Also, do not take raw Shilajit as it may have fungus, free radicals, heavy metal ions, and other pollutants that can make you sick. Instead, use a purified Shilajit that is ready for use.  We sell Himalayan healing Shilajit that is purified using fresh spring waters. How to Use Shilajit Traditionally, people used to consume it with milk in the breakfast. However, you can also take it with the lukewarm water or milk at breakfast. You can also apply it on your hair as a hair mask or apply it on your skin to provide nourishment to the skin cells.


Shilajit is an Anti-Aging Supplement

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
The human body is made up of billions of cells. They have different functions in the body like carrying oxygen in the body, transmitting signals, and defending against different virus attacks.   The outer layer of the cells is called cell membrane. The cell membrane has channels that allow food and water to move in and out of the cells.  The transportation of the food deep inside the cells is important for the cells to live and function. This is where the Shilajit plays its role. The Shilajit contains the Fulvic acid. The Fulvic acid has the property of dilating the cells channels (cell membrane), which allows the food to easily move deep inside the cells.  The aforementioned property of the Shilajit makes the path easy for the food we eat and the drinks we take for living to reach inside the cells through the cells walls. It is a fact that the diffusion process (the process of substances movement from higher concentration to lower concentration) varies according to the properties of the minerals. For instance the oxygen (with two atoms) can easily move into the cells while the glucose (with 24 atoms) finds it comparatively difficult to move inside the cells. Shilajit not only contains Fulvic acid but it also contains different minerals (because Shilajit itself is formed when plants are decomposed under a natural process in high altitude mountains under the very low temperature. This process takes thousands of years to produce what we call the Shilajit). These minerals in Shilajit are also a rich source of food for the cells. The human body cells consume these minerals and grow better, stronger, and longer. This phenomenon actually slows down the process of cells breakup, which eventually happens in the human body. This is how Shilajit acts as an anti-aging agent or supplement. There are different food items (fruits, vegetables, edible items) that contain minerals and elements that are required by the cells to grow and work effectively. Similarly, the Shilajit is one naturally occurring supplement that contains all these properties together. By utilizing the Shilajit, one can boost the process of the cells growth and strength. Apart from providing the food nutrients required by the cells, the Shilajit also removes the free radicles from the cells. The free radicles inside the cells create toxins and waste materials inside the body. The toxins destroy the cells and the waste materials inside the cells block the channels (pours) of the walls, making it difficult to pass the food inside the cells. The Shilajit contains the minerals that remove these waste materials from the cells. This helps the cells to live longer and function well. However, it is important to note that not all Shilajit supplements are vital for anti-aging solutions. Many products labeled in the market as Shilajit are not actually the Shilajit. Many of these products are mixture of low grade Shilajit and other edible items. The pure Shilajit is the one that is obtained from very altitudes, and it should pass the basic tests of Shilajit authenticity. Make sure to buy only naturally-occurring Shilajit to use it for anti-aging solutions. We at provide gold grade Shilajit that is lab tested by the two world renowned laboratories (PCSIR and CWC Lab.). You can test our product on market competitive rates.


Benefits of Shilajit According to the Minerals

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit has countless benefits for both, men and women. Not many people know the benefits of Shilajit and the minerals/ substances that are present in the pure natural Shilajit. In this article, we will show you the minerals that are present in the Shilajit and the benefits that can be achieved by using the Shilajit. Minerals/Substances in Shilajit Shilajit contains the following minerals/substances. Each mineral/substance present in Shilajit has its own benefits. However, it is to be noted that some poor quality Shilajit either does not have these minerals or the ratio of the minerals present in the product is not safe for health. Therefore, it is recommended to use only natural and authentic Shilajit to enjoy benefit of this natural miracle supplement. Fulvic, Humic acids, Benzoic acid, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, Nickel, Potassium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Barium, Sulfur, Iodine, Strontium, Rubidium, Cesium, Chromium, Antimony, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Glycosides, Carotenoids retinol, Terpenoids, vitamin B including B2 and B12, vitamin C, vitamin E,  Melanoidin, Polyphenol complexes, Dibenzo-alpha pyrones, Phospholipids Triterpenes and Phenolic acids, Albuminoids, Hippuric and Oxalic acid, Tannic acid, and Bioflavonoids. Shilajit Benefits Although there are many benefits of Shilajit, in this article, we will cover top 9 benefits of Shilajit. Benefit #01: Shilajit for Bones and Muscles The minerals in Shilajit (Manganese, Silicon, Calcium, Cuprum, and Strontium) have the tendency to not only make the bones and muscles stronger, but they also help in fighting the body against disease like arthritis and osteoporosis. Benefit #02: Shilajit for Healing Wounds The minerals in Shilajit (Copper, Retinol, and Vitamin B) are helpful in healing the body wounds. Since Shilajit also contains Fulvic acid, which has the tendency to speed up the process of metabolism, the combination of these minerals with Fulvic acid not only speeds up the healing process, but they also reduce the inflammation while making new tissues in the body. Benefit #03: Shilajit for Boosting Body Power Since Shilajit contains vitamin B2 and vitamin B12, the combination of B12 and the Fulvic acid makes the process of oxygen supply to the muscles very smooth. This helps muscles not only gain more power, but it also helps the body to get rid of bad air i-e CO2 from the body. Benefit #04: Shilajit for Brain Power The Potassium, vitamin B and the Copper in Shilajit are the brain supplements. Vitamin B enhances the memory. Potassium stimulates the neural activity by supplying more oxygen to the brain. The Copper improves the cognitive function and also helps in developing the neurodevelopment functions. Benefit #05: Anti Stress and Anti-Anxiety Shilajit contains Zinc, magnesium, and potassium. The studies have shown that the combination of these minerals help in relieving the stress and anxiety. Studies also showed that small amount of natural zinc can balance the blood sugar level. The aforementioned benefits of Shilajit can only be availed if the Shilajit that you are using is pure and natural. We have pointed out this fact a number of times that not all the products under the label of Shilajit are in fact Shilajit. Some of these products are either not Shilajit or they contain impurities that can harm the human body. Therefore it is recommended to use the Shilajit product from only the suppliers who have tested their product in the recognized labs and they have got a certification of their product, clearly explaining the names and the ratio of minerals present in their product.


Top 50 Benefits of Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit benefits are enormous. In this article we will present the top 50 benefits of Shilajit for humans, although it is equally beneficial for plants and animals because of its natural substances composition. 1) Shilajit makes the bones strong. 2) Shilajit makes the muscles strong. 3) Shilajit is best anti-ageing supplement. 4) Shilajit is best for iron deficiency. 5) Shilajit is best for hairs growth and strength. 6) Shilajit heals the wound quickly. 7) Shilajit makes the metabolic process strong. 8) Shilajit releases the stress and anxiety. 9) Shilajit is best in high altitude sickness. 10) Shilajit is best for body cleansing. 11) Shilajit is best for detoxification. 12) Shilajit improves the memory 13) Shilajit makes the brain strong. 14) Studies show that Shilajit is helpful in Alzheimer disease. 15) Research on lab rates show that Shilajit makes the heart strong enough to fight the heart diseases. 16) Shilajit helps in balancing the blood sugar level. 17) Shilajit makes the testosterone level better. 18) Shilajit increases the fertility in women. 19) Shilajit fights against the ulcer. 20) Shilajit fights against different viruses. 21) Shilajit reduces the inflammation. 22) Shilajit helps in preventing the cancer. 23) Shilajit regulates the hormones. 24) Shilajit makes the immune system better. 25) Shilajit helps in fighting the kidney stone diseases. 26) Shilajit boosts the energy. 27) Shilajit makes the mood pleasant. 28) Shilajit makes the sleep better. 29) Shilajit fights the chronic fatigue syndrome. 30) Shilajit helps in weight loss. 31) Shilajit helps in nourishing the skin. 32) Shilajit is used to treat the acne problems. 33) Shilajit is used for making face masks. 34) The anti-oxidant properties of Shilajit protects against the cellular damage. 35)  Shilajit is beneficial for people suffering from Asthma. 36) Shilajit is best for people suffering from arthritis. 37) Shilajit is beneficial for people suffering from digestive disorders. 38) Shilajit is beneficial for people suffering from nervous disorders. 39) Shilajit is beneficial for people suffering from Jaundice. 40) Shilajit is beneficial for people suffering from Anemia. 41) Shilajit helps in fighting the genitourinary disorders. 42) Shilajit helps in cognitive impairment. 43) Shilajit kills the obesity. 44) Shilajit helps in increasing the pain tolerance. 45) Shilajit is helpful in tissues regeneration issues. 46) Shilajit is helpful in chronic constipation. 47) Shilajit can solve the frequent urination problem. 48) Shilajit is good in controlling the high blood pressure caused by alcohol. 49) Shilajit can solve the infertility issues due to Oligospermia 50) Shilajit is beneficial for overall health issues and general weaknesses.