
Benefits of Shilajit for Men

Shilajit is a very useful substance and consists of effective components, including fulvic acid and humic acid. It contains a number of minerals that are important to regulate the body functions. In fact, many of them have proved to be quite beneficial for men. Regardless of your location and its atmosphere, shilajit has produced very effective results. However, make sure you buy...

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Benefits of Shilajit for Women

Shilajit is a very powerful substance in Ayurvedic medicine. For centuries, men and women have been using it for various health-related issues. It is a natural source of giving you a power boost and help people with stamina. When it comes to women’s health, shilajit is a very effective supplement. It is a great source of energy that positively affects the body...

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Shilajit – An Effective Solution for Weight Loss

An average person does not take a healthy diet anymore. Hectic lifestyle and busy routine add more to the stress of a person, which leads to overeating. Currently, over 2 billion people in the world are either obese or overweight. Obesity can cause a number of serious issues, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and can even lead to cancer and...

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Shilajit Usage as a Hair Treatment

The changing atmosphere and eating habits have had a massive effect on the human body. With time, people have started to work more and do not rest as much as they used to. On top of that, changing weather conditions have also affected their health. Eating unhealthy diet has become a norm, because many people cannot find the time to cook their...

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Use Shilajit for Fresh and Healthy Skin

The busy schedule, late night working hours, personal and financial stress, and not being able to eat healthy food are some of the many issues we face in our day to day lives. The reason is simple; our lives have become really fast-paced. Time is of the essence to everyone. No one has time to take care of their health. This is...

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How Shilajit Can Boost Your Physical and Mental Health

The hectic routine sometimes affects the physical and mental health of the people. This is why many working class people often feel tired and fatigued. In addition to that, poor eating habits have aggravated that situation. The busy schedule and unhealthy eating preferences have adversely affected the people. It does not leave a good impact on health and can cause various mental...

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Why are Antioxidants Important for Health?

In order to stay healthy, the human body needs to consume the minerals and other necessary compounds from the food on a daily basis. One of these compounds is antioxidants. This compound is vital for a long-term survival and health of a person. What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants are known to help enhance the memory; they also fight different kinds of diseases and...

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Useful and Natural Mountain Food

Nature is full of very powerful ingredients that can not only help us fight a number of diseases, but also allow us to live a long and prosperous life by staying healthy and strong. Shilajit, a naturally made mountain food, is one of them. It is extracted from the layers of rocks of Himalayan ranges in the subcontinent, Hindukush range in Afghanistan,...

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Shilajit Health Benefits for Health Deficiencies

For last few decades, Shilajit has gained popularity due to its powerful nature and effective properties. It has been used by people for centuries as it is made of compounds that make you feel rejuvenated. Following are the health benefits of Shilajit related to chronic fatigue, aging process, iron deficiencies, and fertility issues. Health Benefits Over the centuries, Shilajit has proven to...

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How Shilajit Helps in High Altitude Sickness?

People who live in high altitude areas often face issues, such as dementia, body aches, loss of appetite, lethargy, tiredness, insomnia, pulmonary edema, high altitude cerebral edema, acute mountain sickness, and hypoxia. It is common in soldiers as well. These problems occur due to high fluctuation of temperature during the day and night, high wind velocity, high intensity of solar radiation, severe...

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