

How Shilajit Helps in Tissue Repairing?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
In the human body, like minded cells working together are known as tissues. Although, all cells within a tissue are not identical, but their origin is same. The human body contains many types of cells, organized into four main categories namely (i) muscle, (ii) connective, (iii) nervous, and (iv) epithelial. Muscle tissue is a special and soft tissue in the human body that responds to contraction to provide movement. Connective tissue connects and binds the cells and organs of the body. Nervous tissue controls the movement of the human body, transmits and carries electrical impulses to and from different parts of the body. Epithelial tissue is very thin tissue that covers exterior surfaces of the body. Tissue Repairing Process The human body consists of 50 trillion cells, of which 100 billion are nerve cells. In the human body, approximately 50 to 70 billion cells die, which are then replaced by new cells. Regeneration and replacement are two main processes of tissue repairing. In regeneration process, newly grown tissue restores the damaged tissue to their normal state. The tissue regrows and completely restores the architecture and function of the damaged tissue. Tissue regeneration occurs by cellular proliferation. In the replacement process, repairing occurs by the laying down of connective (fibrous) tissue, a process commonly referred as scarring. In replacement process, the injured tissues are not capable of complete restoration. However, they provide enough structural stability to the injured tissue to be able to function.   Shilajit Role in Tissue Repairing Shilajit is a natural supplement provided by nature that contains more than 85 minerals in their ionic form. Shilajit is very rich in minerals and vitamins that helps in repairing and regeneration of damaged tissues and reduce inflammation of these tissues. Shilajit has all the minerals and vitamins that are necessary for repairing of human body tissues. These include calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin C and vitamin A. Copper is an essential nutrient and plays a very important role in improving the strength of connective tissues and enhances production of collagen for repairing of connective tissues. Copper is also used with vitamin C to produce elastin. Elastin is a protein that helps in improving the elasticity of the connective tissue. Zinc is an essential mineral for cell division, collagen formation, protein synthesis and immune function. All of these are necessary processes for tissue regeneration and repair. Zinc also boosts the immune system and is famous for the fast healing process of wounds. Zinc in Shilajit helps tissue regeneration and makes healing process fast. One of most amazing mineral in Shilajit is manganese which is important for Joints, bones and connective tissues formation. Collagen in the human body is produced by vitamin C and manganese which helps in repair of connective tissues. Without manganese and vitamin C, the human body is not able to make collagen and thus cannot repair connective tissues. In the process of tissue regeneration, the requirement for Vitamin C in human body increases as it strengthens the connective tissues and also helps in preventing further injury to damaged tissues. During wound healing, the human body requires increased production of collagen. A proper diet of Shilajit provides essential vitamin C and manganese to the human body for production of collagen and thus helps in repairing damaged tissues. Researchers from the University of Bristol studying the cellular processes underlying the body’s response to healing have revealed how a flash of calcium is the very first step in repairing damaged tissue. Calcium is very important part of blood clotting process. Vitamin K and calcium C helps in the clotting cascade. One can use Shilajit for reducing the blood clotting duration. Calcium enables human body muscles to contract and helps in transmission of neural impulses. The use of Shilajit can fulfill the requirement of calcium in the human body and will help in repairing of damaged tissues. As milk is a rich source of calcium, one can take Shilajit with milk for fast regrowth of damaged tissues.
How Shilajit Can Perform as Sports Nutrition? - Himalayan Healing Shilajit


How Shilajit Can Perform as Sports Nutrition?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
For a professional athlete, proper nutrition is essential for peak physical performance. The right diet optimizes athlete’s energy levels and helps the body to recover more effectively. Sports nutrition is basically the quality and quantity of food and fluid that athlete takes. Carbohydrates and proteins are essential for athletes to enhance their energy and performance. As their body consumes more energy, additional nutrients are required to recover from deep physical activity. Nutrition is essential for building strong muscles, maintaining healthy bones, repairing tissues and to provide sufficient energy for maximum performance. Nitric Oxide Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that relaxes the inner muscles of blood vessels and causes the vessels to widen. Wider blood vessels play an important role in delivering oxygen and nutrients to muscles during exercise. The extra nutrients provided by wider vessels boost the performance of athletes.The flow of blood in the body increases tremendously and helps to lower blood pressure. A recent study on Shilajit cardiovascular effect (research not published), was performed on 16 men and 4 women by using two doses of 250mg of Shilajit per day for 12 weeks. One amazing result was 30% increase in Nitric oxide level (P<0.001). The increased level of Nitric oxide due to Shilajit relaxes the walls of arteries, widens the blood vessel and reinforces the heart, lungs, and nerves for maximum performance. This result verified cardiovascular benefits related with Shilajit. Athletes can take Shilajit on the daily or weekly basis for enhancing their performance. Energy and Physical Performance Enhancer Shilajit is very rich in minerals and vitamins that make it a good choice for enhancing the energy and physical performance. In a study, a 200mg of Shilajit was given to volunteers, engaging them in aerobic exercise for 15 days. The results showed that the level of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) increased by 14 percent and fitness level increased by 15 percent. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a carrier of energy within cells and increased levels of ATP improves energy levels in the body. CoQ10 is a nutrient that plays an important role in the creation of ATP. Shilajit can boost CoQ10 efficiency and can elevate the level of ATP in the body. Another study on Shilajit showed that 500mg/d of Shilajit can increase the exercise time from 9 to 13 percent. The experiment was performed on sport persons and recreational athletes. The results also showed that Shilajit can also increase metabolic equivalent (METs) value in the body. METs defines the amount of oxygen consumed by the body during physical activity. During physical activity or exercise, amount of oxygen used by body increases, thus METs level also increases. The researcher concluded that Shilajit increases the METs value and thus increases the exercise timing. Supporting Collagen Growth in Skeletal Muscle Collagen is a type of glue that holds the joint, bones and muscles together and plays an important role in the health of muscle and joint. Type 1 and type 3 collagen are in tendons and bones, while type 2 is mainly for joints.  In a study on Shilajit, a 500mg of Shilajit was given to 16 peoples for eight weeks with exercise. The results showed that Shilajit was able to increase collagen-related genes and other proteins that make healthy muscles and strong joints. Research also revealed that Shilajit can also upregulate the ECM-related genes that are important in elasticity and repair of muscles. Vitamin c in Shilajit helps in the production of collagen for maintaining healthy bones and joints. Shilajit is a natural supplement that can increase the level of collagen, adenosine triphosphate, METs and nitric oxide for optimum performance during physical activities. Most of sport injuries are associated with muscles and tissues. On can use Shilajit during injuries to repair body muscles and tissues, thus helps athletes to quickly recover from injury.


How Shilajit Can Help in Hormone Imbalance

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is a very powerful supplement that is beneficial for a healthy lifestyle. It makes the body stronger and help in preventing various diseases. In fact, Shilajit is very useful to treat and prevent hormonal imbalance. Hormone balance is crucial for a cancer-free and healthy lifestyle. However, the hormonal disruption can occur in so many ways. It is natural for hormones to fluctuate throughout our lives. For example, when you hit puberty and even when women experience menopause. Shilajit is considered beneficial for immune system. Lets examine how Shilajit can help in hormone imbalance. What is Hormonal Imbalance? It usually happens due to disturbed lifestyle or due to toxins that go into your body with food. It normally happens when there is an imbalance in the production of hormones by endocrine glands or sex hormones generated by the ovaries or testes. Why Hormonal Imbalance Occurs? Hormonal imbalance can lead to a variety of conditions, such as fatigue, depression, mood swings, foggy thinking, thyroid dysfunction, a premenstrual syndrome in females, gallbladder disease, low energy levels, infertility, or diabetes. It can happen to any age group. Therefore, it is very important to know why it happens. Some of the common causes that lead to hormonal imbalance include lack of sleep, stress, drug abuse, smoking, exercise, little or no physical activity, malnutrition, and sedentary lifestyle. How to Treat Hormonal Imbalance Naturally? Although, there are a number of medicines available to treat hormonal imbalance, their regular usage can lead to other serious issues. This is why you should treat it naturally and the best way is to use Shilajit for hormonal imbalance. Shilajit is a natural supplement that is commonly found in the mountain ranges. It contains over 85 minerals in ionic form, including fulvic acid, zinc, magnesium, iron, humus, humic acid, vitamins, and more. 50 to 60 percent of this natural supplement consists of fulvic acid. Both fulvic and humic acid contains traces of minerals and electrolytes that regulates and enhances your hormonal system If you are taking Shilajit for hormonal imbalance, you don’t have to worry about the side effects. It is safe to take this resin in a prescribed quantity. Consult your supplier or talk to an expert who can guide you in the right direction. You should take Shilajit for hormonal imbalance on a regular basis. Take a dose every morning for a period of 30 days and you will feel the difference. It flushes the excess hormones out of your body and helps you balance the hormones. Shilajit for Hormonal Imbalance in Men Testosterone is one of the vital hormones in men that is responsible to strengthen bones, makes your heart stronger, improve the muscle mass, reduce body fat, and fight depression. It also improves fertility in men. With age, the testosterone level starts decreasing and causes mood swings and other issues, such as weight gain, depression, weak bones, thinning of hair, etc., and also lead to severe fatigue. In a study conducted back in 2010, 60 male volunteers underwent a Shilajit treatment for a period of 3 months. 50 percent of them showed massive improvement as their testosterone level improved by 23.5 percent, sperm motility by 37.6 percent, and sperm count by 61 percent approximately. This case study is a proof that you can use Shilajit for hormonal imbalance. It cleanses the body by flushing out free radicals from your body, which consequently improves the testosterone levels. The supplement effectively treats the hormonal issues in both men and women.


How Shilajit Affects Brain Health?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
There are a number of Shilajit benefits when it comes to your mental health. In this era of technology, people have become very busy, which makes it harder for them to take care of their health. On top of that, the continuous struggle to maintain work-life balance eventually affects your mental health. Working long hours have become a norm for an average individual and it is damaging their mental health. However, Shilajit can help you get rid of mental fatigue and depression. It is a very powerful gift of nature that consists of 85 ionic minerals, vitamins, and other compounds. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is considered as a very effective health tonic as it enables your body to absorb the nutrients required by the body. Other Shilajit benefits include improving the digestive system and heart function, strengthening the bones, Shilajit for Depression Hypertension is very common these days. If you are suffering from it, it is highly likely that you might go into depression with time. But adding Shilajit to your daily diet helps you stay mentally healthy. Hormonal imbalance can also lead to depression. Shilajit benefits a human body by flushing out free radicals from the body that is one cause of hormonal imbalance. Fulvic acid is a major component in Shilajit. It is an antioxidant that fights the free radicals and makes you stronger. Add it to your morning diet and take it regularly for a period of 30 days. Not only will you feel lighter, but also feel healthier. Shilajit for Alzheimer Alzheimer deteriorates your thinking, behavior and memory function gradually. Although, drug treatments are available to improve the symptoms, it cannot be fully cured. However, based on research, it has been revealed that regular use of Shilajit can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, or can slow it down. Fulvic acid found in Shilajit improves the cognitive function as it does not let tau protein to deposit in your brain. It is a necessary part of the nervous system, but its accumulation can be damaging to the brain cells. Many researchers are of the opinion that the fulvic acid in this powerful resin may keep that from happening, which can lead to improved results in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Improvement in Cognitive Health One of the amazing Shilajit benefits is to enhance cognitive stimulation and prevent cognitive disorders. Axons are nerve fibers found in a human body that carry electrical impulses from the neuron’s cell body. In other words, they act as transmitters of the nervous system. If axons do not function properly, it exposes you to the risk of the neurological disorder. According to a recent clinical investigation, it was found out that fulvic acid might play a key role in the safeguarding axonal transport. Shilajit Prevents Dementia It is believed that Shilajit has contributed to the longevity and strong health of Sherpas – the strong men of mountains as they consume it as a part of their daily diet. Various researchers have revealed that Shilajit is a like a brain food. Shilajit is also considered a very effective supplement for the treatment of dementia. It is a high-altitude sickness that adversely impacts the thinking ability of a person and makes it harder for them to perform their daily activities. Other high-altitude issues include cerebral edema, hypoxia, insomnia, and tiredness. One of the Shilajit benefits is that it helps in the process of nutrient absorption by body tissues, which can cure the symptoms of high-altitude sickness.


Does Shilajit Prevent Parkinson Disease?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
The Parkinson disease was first explained by the James Parkinson. The disease affects the nerve cells in the brain. The disease is also related to the human aging factor. The disease comes under the category of extra-pyramidal nerve fiber system. For reader’s information, there are two types of nerves fiber system namely (a) Pyramidal and (b) Extra-Pyramidal Nerve Fiber System.  The voluntary movements of the body are controlled through the Pyramidal system. The involuntary movements are controlled through the Extra-Pyramidal system. Middle age and the elders are the main victims of the Parkinson disease. In fact the Parkinson disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in which the nerve cells degenerate the producing symptoms i-e 60% to 80% of the nerve fibers get degenerated. Parkinson Disease Symptoms Following are the Parkinson disease symptoms. The first basic symptom of the Parkinson disease is lack of body movement like arms and facial expressions i-e the patients feel difficulty in initiating the voluntary movements. Tremor (uncontrollable shaking) is the second indication of the Parkinson disease. The person suffers from Tremor when at rest. The shaking disappear when the person starts moving or doing some actions. Parkinson disease can be treated through L-Dopa, injecting the neurotropic factors, and surgeries like dopaminergic tissue implantation. The other solution is the use of Shilajit. It is believed that Shilajit can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson disease. A study conducted by Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research showed the reduced symptoms of the Parkinson disease. In the study, the researchers applied the Shilajit dose for a seven days period, resulting in reduction of acetyl cholinesterase staining. Cholinergic system helps in reducing the disease symptom. A similar research was carried out at Banaras Hindu university of India, observing the similar properties of Shilajit in controlling the Parkinson disease. The research showed improved results with the use of Withania somnifera. Is Shilajit Effective in Pregnancy Too? Shliajit has numerous health benefits due to wide range elements it contains. Since there are more than 80 minerals in a pure Shilajit sample, the scientists performed different experiments to know its benefits. One of case study is performed on the pregnancy conditions. The researchers from the King Saud University College of Science performed the similar experiments to know the safety of Shilajit in pregnancy. The experiments were performed on the pregnant mice. The pregnant mice were given 250 to 500 mg of Shilajit orally during the first 8 to 12 days of pregnancy.  The researchers found no abnormalities in the treated and the controlled mice. However, the clinical study is not performed on the humans. Therefore, females are advised to consult their doctor to know if they can use Shilajit during pregnancy and what quantity is suitable if the doctors don’t object the use of Shilajit during pregnancy.


Taking Shilajit in summer – Factors to Consider

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is a natural herbal supplement with unlimited health benefits. Many people hesitate to use Shilajit in summer comparing to its usage in the winter season. This is mainly because of the fact that many people believe Shilajit increases the body temperature and the quantity of Shilajit must be reduced in the summer season. Factors to be considered in summer In winter, Shilajit is recommended with milk, coffee, tea, and other hot drinks.  In summer, the Shilajit is recommended with plenty of water. But there are few factors that need to be considered by every human while they are taking Shilajit in summer or winter. These factors include your body size, your overall health, your metabolism/digestive system, and your living lifestyle. If you have a good body size and have good health, you can start with the winter recommendations and fine tune the final dosage as you feel better. If you don’t have good digestive system and your body do not withstand with the winter dosage plan, you can reduce the amount to 50% and slowly increase the dosage up to the limit where you feel good. Why Use Shilajit in Summer? A pure Shilajit dosage in any weather can help in slowing down the aging process, making your bones and muscles strong, making your skin healthy and glowing. Natural and pure Shilajit makes your hairs strong, makes your memory strong, makes your sleep better, and helps your body in cleansing. Shilajit not only reduces the body weight but also heals the wounds easily.  Shilajit increases the fertility in women and increases the testosterone level in men (according to the clinical studies conducted by some researchers). It slows down the process of Alzheimer (nervous system) disease (according to some studies) and helps in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Shilajit is best in high altitude sickness. Shilajit can help in fighting the iron deficiency anemia. It makes the heart stronger (according to the research on lab rats). Shilajit is good supplement for detoxifying the waste minerals in the body. Shilajit helps in balancing the blood sugar level. Shilajit helps in getting rid of stress. It can fight the gastric ulcer. Shilajit regulates the hormones and the immune system of the body. Shilajit decreases the inflammation. Shilajit also makes the digestive system better.


What Makes Shilajit Unique from Other Supplements?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
What Makes Shilajit Unique from Other Supplements? Shilajit, the conqueror of mountains and the destroyer of the weaknesses, is the natural supplement that is often ignored dues to its rare existence. Shilajit naturally exists in very few places of the world including Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. Pakistani Shilajit is considered as one of the most powerful Shilajit due the optimum temperature and the high altitude. Himalayan Healing Shilajit in Pakistan is extracted from above 16,000 feet. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine and also in adaptogenic compounds.  Shilajit is composition of different minerals and plants extracts. There are minerals that are buried deep under the earth and can’t be extracted by ordinary means. However, deep rooted plants have the tendency to naturally extract these useful minerals. These plants decay and become one of the ingredients of the naturally occurring Shilajit. Since different places on the earth have different mineral levels and plants, there are different types of Shilajit found at different regions. Among these Shilajit types, Himalayan Healing Shilajit is the most potent Shilajit because of the types of plants and the environmental conditions available for the decomposition of the plants into what is known as Pure Shilajit. Why Shilajit is Different? There are many minerals in Shilajit that can be compared with other natural supplements and found Shilajit ahead of those supplements. But some people argue that these minerals are possible to get by using more than one supplement. So what really makes Shilajit different?  The answer is quite simple! Shilajit contains Fulvic acid which is not available in such abundance in any other supplement. It is Fulvic acid that makes Shilajit unique and decides the potency level of the Shilajit. Fulvic acid is present in soil and is used by plants for nutrition. One of the lab test performed by American laboratory on our Himalayan Healing Shilajit showed a 69.68% Fulvic acid ratio in our samples which is quite high. This high ration of Fulvic acid makes our Shilajit unique and most potent as compared to many other Shilajit products being sold in the market. Some Well-known Benefits of Fulvic Acid Fulvic acid has unbelievable benefits for human health. It acts as a natural electrolyte and carrier of food supplements used to energize the body and balance the biological properties. Fulvic acid has the tendency to deliver the nutrients deep inside the cells that are almost dead. The supply of energy to these cells through Fulvic acid gives them a new life. This phenomenon proves the anti-aging property of Fulvic acid. Old and near to death cells are given new life and the prolong life of these cells slows down the aging factor in humans. Fulvic acid also helps in detoxification process by acting as a chelating agent, by removing the toxins from the body and providing them pro health supplements. Fulvic acid has the power to work together with other compounds in Shilajit by enhancing their potency and effectiveness. More information about Fulvic acid is available in this article. Himalayan Healing offers gold grade Himalayan Shilajit with very high ratio of Fulvic acid (almost 70% according to USA lab test report). Try Himalayan Shilajit for better health, immune system and long life. We offer the best quality in comparatively low prices


Say Goodbye to Body Ailments with Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
The natural properties of Shilajit offers people the strength to fight many body ailments. Shilajit has the ability and elements to fight depression and nervous disorders such as mental fatigue. Some herbal experts call Shilajit as the nectar from heaven because of its super powers and body healing properties. The very important property of Shilajit is its strength to absorb and transport the nutrients to the body cells, thus relieving them from different diseases. It is not only the transportation of nutrients to the body cells but also the type of nutrients that are supplied to the body cells, thus making them to live stronger and longer. What People Think About Shilajit Besides the depression and fatigue, Shilajit is also helpful in reducing the stomach problems like gastrointestinal issues and ulcer. Some people have observed in body weight control because of the regular use of Shilajit. Activeness and alertness are two other factors that are strongly linked with the Shilajit. Many people who are using Shilajit are of the view that Shilajit has made them sharp. Shilajit has the property that increases the thinking power and ability to make good decisions when required. Shilajit is also found beneficial in treating problems like kidney stones, skin infections, body toxic materials, falling hairs, and wounds. Precautions Using Shilajit  “Everything that glitters is not gold” –Similarly everything that labels Shilajit is not Shilajit in real. There are many fake products that are claimed as Shilajit, but unfortunately many of them are either fake or they are a mix of Shilajit and other materials that are not supposed to be mixed with Shilajit like preserves. Another problem with the Shilajit is the quality factor. Not all Shilajit products are of high quality. Some people buy Shilajit from a third party and sell the product online without knowing its quality, the minerals ratio, or the purification process. It is important to mention here that Shilajit occurs in raw form and needs very high standard purification methods to remove the impurities that come naturally with any Shilajit grade.  Poor methods used for Shilajit purification can make a good quality Shilajit worse for the users. Last but not the least factor that decides the quality of Shilajit is the drying factor. Shilajit once purified requires time to dry up for the packaging. Many people dry the Shilajit on fire which effectively lessens the Shilajit benefits. Keeping in mind the aforesaid precautions can help customers to have a good quality Shilajit. Himalayan Healing Shilajit passes from all the mentioned precautionary scrutiny tests. Customers can use Himalayan Healing Shilajit without any worry. Only a top quality Shilajit like Himalayan Healing Shilajit can give you all the health benefits that are associated with the Shilajit.
Get Rid of Mental and Hormonal Disorders with Shilajit - Himalayan Healing Shilajit


Get Rid of Mental and Hormonal Disorders with Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Mental and hormonal disorders are very common.  Many people suffer from mental health issues.  Some suffer from hormonal disorders and they even don’t know that they are the victim of hormonal disorders. Both, mental and hormonal disorders are very dangerous for our health. Following discussion explains the disorders and provides a way to get rid of mental and hormonal disorders. Preventing Mental Issues like Dementia The work stress, imbalanced diet, and the environmental conditions are the top factors that contribute towards getting old even before time. The aging affects many body parts including our mind. Many people have been diagnosed with the mental health issues like dementia. Dementia is the inability to remember things. Personality change and the impaired reasoning are widely associated with dementia. However, nobody can live without work. The work and stress is part of our daily life. Therefore, we need to find a way to carry on with the work and day to day life tasks along with a solution that can help us to slow down the aging phenomenon and the associated issues like dementia. Luckily, we have a natural supplement in the shape of Himalayan Shilajit that fights the aging and its negative factors. Naturally occurring Shilajit has the power to not only cure the damaged cells but also produce the new cells. In aging and dementia, body cells either become weak or completely destroyed. The antioxidant property of Shilajit can help in slowing down the destruction of the cells, curing the damaged cells, and regrow new cells. All these properties of Shilajit help in fighting the aging factors and issues like dementia. Balancing the Hormones with Himalayan Shilajit Hormones can be referred as chemical agents in the body. Majority of the body functions are performed through these hormones. Body fatigue, chronic pains, metabolism problems, and issues like weak memory are the signs that indicate that there is something wrong going on with the hormones.  We can call it a hormone imbalance or hormone disorder. Following is a brief explanation of hormones imbalance factors. By using pure and high-quality Shilajit can eliminate the hormones disorder signs explained below. Three factors including your mood, your body energy, and your physical state decide the unbalancing of your hormone system. Mood: Does your mood changes very often? Do you feel a swing in your mood throughout the day?  Do you experience a sudden change in your mood without any reason? If your answer in response to these questions is positive, then you are certainly suffering from hormone imbalance. Dealing with an abrupt change in mood is not an easy job. Some people use medicine to control their bad mood like anger. However, medicine is not the proper way to get rid of something that can be achieved naturally. Shilajit is that natural supplement that can improve your hormone system and make your mood better. It gives you the power to have control over your body. Such control allows you to not get ruined by your mood. Energy: Do you feel tired very often? Do you feel stressed even before doing any work? Are not fond of working continuously for hours? Do you feel tired even you sleep 8 hours? If your answer is “yes”, then you certainly need some hormone balancing treatment. All these factors are due to imbalance hormone system. The imbalance hormone system makes your tired very early, or even before starting any work. Imbalance hormone system makes your lazy without doing any work. If you have all these issues with you, you need to try out Shilajit that not only boosts your body energy but also empowers your hormone system to not get affected in the future. Physical Body State: If your hairs are falling very quickly, if your body temperature remains high or low consistently, if you feel a quick change in your body weight, you are suffering from the hormonal disorder. Try Shilajit to get rid of these hormonal disorders. But make sure you are using the natural and pure Shilajit. Not all Shilajits in the market are pure or authentic. Use only pure Shilajit like Himalayan Healing Shilajit.


Shilajit Healing Role – Heal Your Skin Bones and Muscles

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is probably the world’s only natural supplement that contains more than 80 health pro elements. Few of the well-known health beneficial Shilajit elements include Fulvic acid, Humic acid, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, vitamins, and iodine. All these elements, along with rest of the elements that are part of Shilajit composition play important health building role. Following is the Shilajit healing role played by the major Shilajit elements and compounds. Healing Skin with Shilajit Shilajit has the healing power. It can heal the body organs and muscles from burns and wounds. Retinol, Copper, and vitamin B play important role in healing process. The combination of Retinol, Copper, and vitamin B with the Fulvic acid produces inflammation remedy. These elements not only reduces the inflammation but they also help in new tissues formation, a process of healing. Similarly, Shilajit contains vitamin C and vitamin E. These vitamins have the tendency of repairing the damaged tissues and helping them to stay fresh through moistening. Besides these elements, Shilajit also contains humic acid that has the anti-bacterial and the anti-vital properties. Studies show that the Shilajit has the power to speed up the tissues regeneration process if applied directly on the skin. It can be applied by dissolving it in some fresh water to make its gooeyness like honey and oil etc. Healing Bones and Muscles with Shilajit Arthritis and Osteoporosis are very common among men and women. Apart from healing the skin tissues, Shilajit has the tendency to make the bones and muscles strong to overcome the bones and joint diseases. Calcium, manganese, cuprum, and strontium play important role in getting rid of the aforesaid bones and joints problems. Some experts recommend the use of Shilajit with the ginger or turmeric to overcome arthritis problems. The deficiency of magnesium also causes chronic inflammation. The human bones require certain level of minerals. The potassium found in Shilajit can fulfill the desired amount of potassium required to retain the mineral level of bones.


Fulvic Acid Skin Healing Properties

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Fulvic acid and Shilajit are correlated. A pure Shilajit sample contains a good amount of Fulvic acid.  Himalayan Healing Shilajit contains 65-70% Fulvic acid. Fulvic acid has been used for many years to treat skin issues, such as ivy poison, spider bites, viral infections, poison oak, and skin rashes.  The modern scientific research found that Fulvic acid can heal the skin. Following is presented the Fulvic acid skin healing properties. How Fulvic Acid Repairs and Protects Skin Fulvic acid has the property to supply food supplements deep inside the cells. Since Shilajit contains minerals, oxygen, pro-health acids, and vitamins; these are supplied to the cells with the help of Fulvic acid. The supplied food heals the cells and gives them a new life. Fulvic acid has the ability to keep the cell’s fluid in an alkaline state. The anaerobic acid environment is a state of the body cells that cause inflammation and helps bacteria and fungus to grow. Fulvic acid, on the other hand, helps the body cells to stay in an alkaline environment with a high rate of oxygen that performs against the aforesaid inflammation and viruses. The reduction in the inflammation of the body cells helps them to grow strong and live long. There are many skin treatment medicines and creams prescribed to the skin patients. Besides the prescribed treatments, Fulvic acid is another natural remedy that treats the skin problems, such as eczema and inflammation, and skin infection by penetrating deep inside the cells and restoring their health. Corticosteroids, Azathioprine, Methotrexate, Hydrocortisone, and Cyclosporine are used in skin care treatments. These are considered less safe compared to Fulvic acid which is natural and has no known side effects. Scientific Studies on Fulvic Acid for Skin Conditions The power and effectiveness of Fulvic acid on the skin is also admired and acknowledged in different research studies. The Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigative Dermatology published a study about Fulvic acid used in skin treatment. The publishing acknowledges that the Fulvic acid helps skin in getting rid of eczema and improves the emollient therapy. Similarly, the research work published in Drug Development, and Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy admits that Fulvic acid has the anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help in fighting the contact dermatitis. Finding  a pure Shilajit product is very rare. Either there are Shilajit products that are not real or they are not clean from heavy metals. Some products are not lab tested. Therefore be careful while purchasing the Shilajit products for skin care purpose. Himalayan Healing Shilajit offers best quality Shilajit that contains more than 60% Fulvic acid.  The Himalayan Healing Shilajit products are lab tested and pure from any unwanted metals and impurities.


Facts You Should Know About Himalayan Healing Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit without any doubt is one of the rarest naturally occurring powerful supplements that is being consumed by people for centuries. People are using Shilajit for different purposes. Many people use Shilajit as a daily supplement to stay active all the day. Some people use Shilajit to repair the body organs, such as cellular system, hairs, bones, and tissues.  Shilajit is also used as a cleansing agent to purify the body from toxic materials. After recent research on Shilajit composition, many organizations are using Shilajit as an ingredient in the health-related products. Although Shilajit is beneficial for health, there are consumers who complain about the Shilajit products’ quality. Some people don’t feel any positive effect of Shilajit after consuming the supplement even for months. The reason behind all such complaints and negative experiences is the quality of Shilajit. It is a fact that only approximately 10% of the Shilajit products are real. 90% of the products claiming as Shilajit are not real. However, there is no need to be worried. You have one real and genuine Shilajit product called Himalayan Healing Shilajit. Following is presented some facts about Himalayan Healing Shilajit that distinguish the product from other Shilajit products and their quality. Hand Picked Shilajit Himalayan Healing Shilajit is a collection of hand-picked Shilajit reserves. Each piece of raw material containing Shilajit extracts is examined individually before adding to the collection used for processing. Extracted from Roof of the World Himalayan Healing Shilajit is extracted from above 16000 feet altitudes of Gilgit Baltistan, a place known as the roof of the world.  The Shilajit from this part of the world is of supreme quality. It is graded as Gold quality. Fresh like a Spring Stock Himalayan Healing Shilajit does not stock Shilajit in bulk. The Himalayan Healing Shilajit team process raw Shilajit on monthly basis, means our raw material is also not older than 30 days, compared to others who stock the raw for years. In winter season the terrains are blocked due to the heavy snowfall. Therefore, in winter season we stock 2-3 months raw material. However, the product is still fresh since the processing of the raw is only started upon receiving the orders. One can assume our products are fresh like dairy products that are prepared on daily basis. Standard SOP Followed During Purification Himalayan Healing Shilajit is probably the only Shilajit brand that uses fresh spring water in processing the raw Shilajit to extract and filter the Shilajit products. A proper hygienic SOP is followed to filter out the wastes from raw Shilajit product. Himalayan Healing Shilajit is a sun-dried product unlike others who dry the Shilajit on fire for quick processing. A Shlajit cooked on fire may taste like a Shilajit but it loses more than 50% of its benefits. 68-70% Fulvic Acid Ratio Fulvic acid is known as the miracle of Shilajit. It does miraculous things along with other minerals found in Shilajit. However, not all Shilajit products have good ratio of Fulvic acid. Himalayan Healing Shilajit is tested in USA labs and the reports showed that it contains between 68-70% Fulvic acid.


Why Prefer Himalayan Healing Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
There are hundreds and thousands of Shilajit consumers all over the world. People use Shilajit for different benefits and health issues. Not all Shilajit products are same, even if they are pure. Although Shilajit has already been categorized into four types with Gold r being the most potent, still not all Gold grade Shilajit have same effects and potency. This is mainly because of the environment, composition, extraction, and purification of Shilajit. A number of customers from all around the world are using the Himalayan Shilajit products aka Himalayan Healing Shilajit .Following are few of the reasons why prefer Himalayan Healing Shilajit. Most Effective Anti-Aging Property The first and highly rated property of Himalayan Healing Shilajit is its benefit as an anti-ageing agent. Himalayan Healing Shilajit has the right nutrients and elements that resist the body cells dying too early or get damaged due to ecological or biological effects on the human body. Himalayan Healing Shilajit repairs damaged cells, provides them strength to stay healthy and proactive against different diseases, and make them look younger for longer period of time. Physical benefits  Shilajit is known as the destroyer of weakness. It helps the body to recover after the workout, increases the body stamina, allows the consumer to get rid of weaknesses, and improves the brain functionality. Himalayan Healing Shilajit also promotes natural strength in the body and helps in gaining the muscle mass. Antioxidant Features Shilajit is considered as a powerful antioxidant. It helps the cellular system to get rid of damaging oxidizing agents from the body. Few researches prove the high level of anti-oxidants in Shilajit, even better than berries that are found with very high level of antioxidant but not higher than Shilajit. People who use Himalayan Healing Shilajit found it very beneficial as an antioxidant. Anti-inflammatory Characteristics Shilajit has anti-inflammatory properties due to its chemical composition. The anti-inflammatory characteristics of Shilajit make it useful in healing the damaged tissues. Syndromes Fighting AbilityThough Himalayan Healing Shilajit is never prescribed to anybody as a cure of any ailment, but there are many benefits and cures associated with the Shilajit, so are with Himalayan Healing Shilajit. Following are few of the diseases that are reported as cured through Shilajit. High sugar level in blood Stress Jaundice Arthritis Obesity Nervous disorders Alzheimer’s Genitourinary disorders Digestive disorders Hemorrhoids Epilepsy Anemia Bronchitis Kidney Stones Rich in minerals Recent lab test show that Himalayan Healing Shilajit has very high level of Fulvic acid, i-e between 65 to 70%. Besides Fulvic acid, Himalayan Healing Shilajit is rich in healthy elements, such as the following eldagic acid humic acid triterpenes sterols vitamins aromatic carboxylic acids lignins 3,4-benzocoumarins iron polyphenols phenolic lipids magnesium polysaccharides amino acids dibenzo-α-pyrones


7 Shilajit Benefits that Can’t Be Ignored

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Following are presented 7 Shilajit Benefits that Can’t Be Ignored Shilajit Improves Brain Function: Improving the brain functionality is one of the greatest benefits of Shilajit. The regular use of Shilajit keeps the brain active and healthy. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease conducted a study that revealed that Shilajit can help in retaining cognitive capabilities in humans, that means there are lesser chances of going through Alzheimer when the growing age. Shilajit Prevents the Aging Symptoms: Everybody wants to live young forever. Nobody wants wrinkles and dry skin, especially at the age that is not so young. Studies have shown that Shilajit ingredients, especially the Fulvic acid has the ability to act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that helps in repairing the damaged cells and provide them new life with added nutrients. Fulvic acid transports the healthy nutrients deep inside the cells that keep the cells healthy for a comparatively longer period of time, thus ultimately slowing down the aging signs. Shilajit Sustains Blood Cells: Human body contains two types of blood cells, namely: red blood cells and white blood cells. The imbalance of these cells in the body causes different problems. Shilajit is believed to maintain the blood cells ratio in the human body. Shilajit also contains humic acid that can help body from getting rid of iron deficiency problems. Shilajit Acts as Energizer: Shilajit has the compounds that can boost the body energy and prevent fatigue. The Journal of Ethnopharmacology published a research that states that Shilajit increases the energy level in the body. It has been noticed that people who use Shilajit on a regular base stay active and more energetic. Shilajit Prevents Altitude Sickness: In some countries, people live in high altitude places. Living at high altitudes may cause sickness to some people, known as altitude sickness. People living in Pakistan at high altitude use Shilajit and they don’t suffer from altitude sickness. This fact is a proof of effectiveness of Shilajit for high altitude sickness problems. Shilajit has the tendency of reducing the muscle inflammation and improving the brain cognitive functions, that helps in fighting the altitude sickness. Shilajit Helps in Reducing Weight: Gaining weight means gaining a lot of health problems. People who gain body weight suffer from several chronic diseases and joint pains, especially knee pain. People who take Shilajit are more active and involved in activities that can help in reducing the weight. Shilajit boosts the body energy that can help making the mood better towards more work. More work with more energy means more chances of losing the calories and weight. Shilajit Solves Male Fertility Problems: Shilajit is known as the destroyer of the weaknesses. One of the prime use of Shilajit is to get rid of infertility problems. Research has been conducted to find out the effect of Shilajit on the men fertility. The case study showed that people who use Shilajit had great improvement in the infertility problems.
Am I Consuming Safe Shilajit Product? - Himalayan Healing Shilajit


Am I Consuming Safe Shilajit Product?

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is a Sanskrit word that means undefeatable. The traditional phrase associated with the Shilajit is ‘the conqueror of weaknesses’. Although Shilajit is mainly labeled as destroyer of weaknesses, there are many other health benefits associated with Shilajit. The main source of Shilajit is the Asian region, especially Pakistan. The detoxifying and the rejuvenating properties of Shilajit have made it the essential component of Ayurvedic medicine. However, its core benefits can be enjoyed as a standalone product in its purest form. All the associated qualities depend on the quality of Shilajit. If your Shilajit is not pure, it does nothing good to your body. In fact it can do many bad things to you. So, did you ever ask yourself “Am I Consuming Safe Shilajit Product”? The purity and quality of Shilajit can be assumed or analyzed by the source region of the product. Shilajit requires both; hot and cold temperature. The hot temperature is required by Shilajit to ooze out of the mountains; where as the cold temperature keeps its properties intact. From this phenomenon, it is  easier to make a guess of the pure Shilajit origin. For instance, we can say that Shilajit does not exist in plain areas of the world. Shilajit does not exist where temperature remains only hot or only cold. Moreover, we can assume that Shilajit is present only where herbs grow in higher altitude mountains. If we consider all these factors, we can safely assume that Shilajit in Asia, especially Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan is a genuine product as this region has both temperatures and herbs at high altitude. However, being genuine is not enough. Shilajit oozes out from the mountains means it brings impurities with it, and separating the Shilajit from the impurities, especially the rock impurities need special attention and care. There are formulas to separate the minerals like Gold from impurities.  But Gold is not edible mineral. Shilajit is the edible compound and it can’t be made pure with ordinary formulas.  Shilajit needs hand work plus high level filtering processes to make it useable for human consumption. People claim that they apply the best purification methods but who knows until he consumes. There are ways to confirm the purity of Shilajit. Lab reports are one way to check the purity of Shilajit. The lab report tells the ingredients in the Shilajit. It has been observed that many fake Shilajit sellers are producing the fake lab reports using the technology. It does not stop here. It has been observed that many fake Shilajit sellers copy the lab reports of genuine Shilajit sellers and edit the company details. In short, lab reports are not reliable now days. The other methods to confirm the authenticity of Shilajit is to know the registration of the company who is selling you the product.  The individuals, no matter where they belong, if don’t have a registered product means they are not 100% trustful. The registered brand in the respective countries is a symbol of trust. There are ways to test the purity of Shilajit in personal capacity as well. This achieved by performing the basic tests at home. The first method to test the Shilajit quality is to freeze the Shilajit sample to make sure it has become hard. The next step is to press the piece of Shilajit in the front teeth. If you feel nothing, it means Shilajit is no impurities. If you feel grit, it means there are impurities like sand in the product. If you don’t feel comfortable with the chewing experiment, you can try to dissolve the product in the water. If it get dissolves and gives golden, brownish, or dark color (not pure black), then the product is pure. Another way to test Shilajit is by burning method. Shilajit never catches fire. Try to burn it, if it does not catch fire, it means it is Shilajit.


Balancing Life with Natural Supplements

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Healthy food is important for life. There are many supplements that are part of the healthy food diet. Minerals are part of the supplements required for good health. Minerals make muscles, bones and teeth strong. Minerals nourish your skin and hair. Minerals are also important for the blood. Besides that, minerals also play their role in converting the food into energy. There must be a balance of minerals consumed in diet. Following is a brief discussion about balancing life with natural supplements. Minerals from the Roof of the World Availing minerals is possible through synthetic and natural supplements. People prefer natural supplements over synthetic. However getting natural supplements are not easy. Many of the purest natural supplements occur in mountains or difficult terrains of the world.  Accessing those natural supplements is a difficult task. In such circumstances, we feel proud in making the difficult task easier by reaching those natural supplements and making them available for people use. We are working to bring those natural supplements from the world’s most dangerous mountainous terrains to your dining table in the form of Himalayan Healing Shilajit.  Himalayan Healing Shilajit is the supplement that is harvested directly by the nature. No chemicals, no synthetic elements are added to the Himalayan Healing Shilajit. It is sourced from the above the 16,000 feet high altitude, from the place known as the roof of the world, Gilgit Baltistan. Himalayan Healing Shilajit does not contain any chemicals, additives, or any synthetic products addition. It is pure natural Shilajit with all the health pro minerals that are associated with Gold quality Shilajit. The Shilajit sourced by us contains more than 65% Fulvic acid ratio, probably highest in any naturally occurring supplements. How Shilajit Plays its Role in Health Shilajit contains minerals like manganese, iron, copper, selenium, zinc, cuprum, nickel, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and organic elements, such as Fulvic acid and humic acid. These mineral and elements play their role in healthy living. Fulvic Acid Role:  Fulvic acid is a multi-functional element. It works as an antioxidant in the body. It helps the oxygen molecules to go inside the muscle cells without the interference of the lactic acid. Manganese and Iron Role:  These minerals help in breaking down the food into energy. They also boost the ETC in human body. ETC helps in converting the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy. Copper Selenium and Zinc Role: These minerals help in making the hair and skin strong by promoting the collagen. Cuprum, Calcium, and Silicone: These minerals help in fighting the bones disease. They make the bones and muscles strong. Magnesium and Potassium Role: Magnesium and Potassium play a vital role in balancing the glucose level in the blood. Their role is also observed in health of the heart. The aforementioned are few of the minerals and their roles in balancing the human health requirements in the form of minerals and organic elements. The overall health benefits of far more than what we have explained in this article. Only a pure Shilajit can help in achieving all those benefits in the form of natural supplement.


Shilajit Minerals and Elements Role in Body

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Shilajit is probably the only known compound that contains minerals and organic elements in a huge ratio. The well-known Shilajit elements include Fulvic acid, humic acid, benzoic acid, oxalic acids, tannic acid, glycosides, and phenolic acids. Similarly, the most talked about minerals in Shilajit are Iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, chromium, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, dibenzo-alpha pyrone, silicon, antimony, silver, sulfur, retinol, and iodine. Some of these elements play individual role in improving the human health and fulfilling the body requirements. Others work in groups to fulfill the body deficiencies. Following table is a brief summary of some of the Shilajit minerals and elements role in improving the human health and body behavior. Shilajit Elements Properties Fulvic acid Anti-oxidant properties, transports food deep inside the body cells, plays role in anti-aging functions Vitamic C and E Repairing and protection of damaged skins, retaining moisture in body tissues Copper, Vitamin B, Retinol Body healing properties, anti-inflammation properties Humic Acid & Humin Anti-viral properties, Anti-bacterial properties, Tissues re-generation properties Magnesium Protection against chronic inflammation Calcium, Cuprum, Nickel Provide strength to bones and joints, Protection against osteoporosis and arthritis Potassium Retains bones mineral density, Blances body salts Iron & Copper Helps in transportation of oxygen in the blood B12 Energy booster Molybdenum, Mangense, Iron Helps in creation of enzymes like Glutathione, Superoxide Dismutase, and Catalase Zinc Stress releasing properties, fulfill enzymes’ zinc requirement The aforementioned is a small list of elements and their role in the body. Shilajit contains around 80 minerals. Each mineral has individual as well as collective properties. The overall Shilajit benefits are huge. It is also noteworthy that not all Shilajit products have same number of elements and properties. Some Shilajit products are low quality, others have impurities. Some use preservatives and additives in the product, and some products are actually not Shilajit despite of their claim. Therefore, it is highly recommended to purchase Shilajit from a registered vendor. Do check the customer reviews from third party source, such as Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy.


5 Simple Exercises we can Do While At Work

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
If you’re lacking the time it takes to have a regular fitness regimen because of work, kids, or life in general then simple exercises you can do while at work could be just what you need. Following are  five simple exercises and tips we can do while at work  that are fast and easy. We can still have a great work out without the need for a gym. Sitting Ball Excercise Instead of using a desk chair, sit on a large exercise ball. The balance required for sitting on the ball is a great core stabilizer. You’ll be toning and strengthening your ab muscles without even realizing you’re doing it. It takes very little to no concentration, which can leave your brain power for your work. Resistance Bands Excercise Resistance bands are great for your toning legs and arms. You can hook the bands to the legs of your desk or chair and do arm or leg reps while you’re sitting at your desk. If you are on the phone, switch hands as you do the reps. If you’re typing at your computer, work your legs with the bands. Little Walk While Working During breaks walk as much as possible around the office. If you have ankle weights, then strap those on while you’re walking for an added boost. Prefer Stairs Upon Elevators Leave the elevator behind and take the stairs. Even if you’re on the 14th floor, walk up two to three flights and then catch the elevator the rest of the way. Doing just this one thing alone gets your heart pumping, and releases endorphins. It provides a great start to the day which both your body and brain will thank you. Role of Stretching Stretching is always important. Sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours a day can lead to muscle stiffness, loss of flexibility, back and neck pain, restless legs, blood clots, and stiff joints. Of the things you can do for the health of your body, stretching is the most important. You should be getting up every hour to stretch. Easy stretches you can do at your desk can be anything from reaching up to the ceiling with both arms, to touching your toes, to ballet plies. Make sure to give your back a good twist from side to side to stretch both your spine and your abs. Writer’s belly happens when the ligaments in your abs shorten because of sitting for long periods of time resulting in a “pot belly”, so make sure you’re stretching those abs to keep them long and lean. Finding time to work out and keeping fit can be challenging, but implementing just a few simple things throughout your work day can really make a difference.Doing excercise somtimes make you tired. Similarly, oftentime, you can’t focus on your excercise due to feeling tired or bored. In that case, Shilajit can be a best product for you. Try Shilajit with milk or juice to change your mood and approach towards excercise.


Depression Women and Shilajit

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Depression Women and Shilajit are interconnected: Depression is very common among humans, especially women.  According to research, one out of four women is likely to develop chronic depression, at least once in their lives.  It is a common fact that women become depressed quickly than men.  The majority of people who become chronically depressed every year are women. The problem becomes worse when about two third of the depressed women do not seek help for their depression. Depression affects everybody differently, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe.  It causes the women to have feelings of helplessness and despair, sadness, and worthlessness.  Many women report that while they are depressed they are much more likely to lose their hunger, have difficulty staying asleep, develop low self-esteem, become droopy, and develop low-grade fatigue.  In the most severe cases they can even become suicidal.  It is most alarming that women are much more likely to attempt to kill themselves then men are who are also suffering from chronic depression. The reason why women are much more likely to become depressed is varied.  During adolescence the depression rates are about equal for boys and for girls, however around puberty we start to see a different a significant disparity in the depression rates.  At puberty the rates of depression become about two to one, girl versus boy.  Many experts believe that this is directly due to the hormone changes that girls start to experience. This cycle continues throughout the lifetime of a female as hormone levels continue to fluctuate through many life events: pregnancy, immediately following giving birth, menopause, and even the monthly menstrual cycles.  In regards to this later there is even a disorder called, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which typically the sufferer experiences depression and mood swings the week before menstruation to the extent that it interferes with a woman’s ability to function properly in her daily life. The National Institutes of Health lists several genetic, reproductive, and other biological factors that increase a woman’s risk of becoming depressed.  These can include a family history of emotional disorders, a history of emotional disorders during the earlier reproductive years, losing a parent before the age of 10, the lack of a social support system, sexual or physical abuse as a child, ongoing psychological or social stress, and even taking certain medicines.  Some women who give birth develop postpartum depression, and some women suffer from seasonal affective disorder.  There are also many stress factors that women experience simply by living life that increase the likelihood of developing depression, such as losing a job, arguing with a spouse, and the stress of raising children. How Shilajit Can Help in Depression Many women use medicine to get rid of depression. However, there is another way of getting rid of depress feelings and attitude. Women can get rid of depression by staying busy in healthy activities. Healthy activities like exercise walk, talking to friends and families are few ways to get rid of depression. Beside these remedies, women can use Shilajit to keep their mood better and free of depression. Shilajit is known to have elements and minerals that make the brain more active, makes you feel more positive towards life, and boosts the body energy to get involved in the activities that are helpful in getting rid of depressions.  However, women must make sure that they  are buying best quality Shilajit.


Recommended Super Foods for Weight Loss

by Syed Zahir Ali Shah on Aug 14, 2023
Diet and exercise are what people mostly do for weight loss. Have you ever heard that eating food can also help you losing weight? It is a fact that there are some natural foods exists that are vital in this situation. Eating more and losing weight has got to be a great choice for anyone who is trying to lose a few pounds, so here are some of the super foods for weight loss that can help you to achieve you goal. Apples – the perfect snack on the go. Apples are seriously good for you and can help with weight loss problems. They are also packed with antioxidants which can help to combat the “apple shape” or an excess of belly fat. If you want to lose weight you can start by munching an apple every day. Steak – just so long as it’s lean this can also help you to lose weight. Organic beef is the healthiest variety of them all. Steak should be grilled or broiled and served with plenty of crisp salad or veggies. Eggs – and I mean all of the eggs – the yolk and the white, just leave the shell. Poached, boiled, omelets and scrambled eggs all make the perfect way to start the day but if you don’t have the time to cook in the mornings make a tortilla or frittata on the weekends and eat the slices throughout the week. Kale – is another super food which can help you achieve your weight loss goals. There are only 34 calories in a cup of raw, chopped kale but plenty of calcium, iron and fiber. Oats – are another super food which can help you to lose weight and make the perfect breakfast. All types of oats are healthy but steel-cut and rolled varieties are the best of the best. They make a great alternative to breadcrumbs when you’re making meatballs. Lentils – help to flatten the belly, and that’s a fact. There are loads of different types of lentils but the yellow and red ones are the quickest to cook. They blend in with lots of different dishes thanks to their mild flavor yet can add plenty of texture and substance to lots of different meals. Salmon – is great for your heart and great for your waistline. They are a brilliant source of Omega 3 which, among other things, helps to build muscle and the more muscle your body has the more calories it naturally burns. Wild salmon is the best choice if its available with fewer pollutants. Blueberries – all berries are good for you and blue food is good for you so blueberries are double good for you when you are trying to lose weight. Why not think a little differently at breakfast time and instead of sprinkling a few blueberries onto your cereal simply sprinkle a little cereal onto a bowl of blueberries before adding the low fat yogurt or milk. Avocado – some people worry about eating avocado when they are trying to lose weight because of the fat content but they really shouldn’t, avocado really is a fantastic food for weight loss. Shilajit – Shilajit is a natural food that can actually help you in reducing weight in many ways. Shilajit contains minerals that can reduce body fats. Adding Shilajit to your diet plan can help you in gaining more energy and more will to do work and exercise that can actually help you in reducing your weight. If you want to give Shilajit a try, look no further than Himalayan Shilajit as it contains all the natural supplements that are required for body weight loss.